2011 AsiaFI Summer School: Organization Plan v2(Draft) 2010.12.21 Dongman Lee Dept of CS, KAIST.


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Presentation transcript:

2011 AsiaFI Summer School: Organization Plan v2(Draft) Dongman Lee Dept of CS, KAIST

Organization Organizing Chair –Dongman Lee (KAIST) Program Co-Chairs –Workshops & Forum: Sue B. Moon (KAIST) –Student Sessions: Mingwei Xu (Tsinghua U) Local Arrangement Chair –Daeyoung Kim (CNU) Treasurer –Choong Seon Hong (Kyung Hee U)

Venue & Accommodations Venue –CNU Collaboration Building, Conference Hall Accommodations –CNU Dormitory Students and a limited number of senior researchers –Nearby Hotels Will be announced later

Program (draft) 1 st day (half-day) –Network science workshop (organized with NIMS/NS BoF) 2 nd day –FI architecture tutorial (organized by Arch WG) 3 rd & 4 th day –FI project updates around the world 5 th & 6 th days –Student paper & poster sessions –PhD student forums

Half-day Workshop on NetSci Format –Follow the format of NetSci and do a workshop only with invited talks –Focused areas: social/transportation/biology networks Speakers under consideration –Steve Han (KAIST) –Juyong Park (KHU) –Meeyoung Cha (KAIST) Proposed date: Monday afternoon or Friday morning 5

FI Project Updates Session Format –Retrospective views on last 5 years of testbeds and research activities of each continent –Position papers on key drivers for next 5 – 10 years in terms of deployment and research

FI Project Updates Session 1 st Day: USA & Europe –4 FIA themes: Nebula: Michael Freedman XIA: Adrian Perrig Name data networking: Lixia Zhang MobilityFirst: Marco Gruteser (Rutgers) or Romit Roy Choudhury (Duke) –Europian themes (FIRESTATION) – based on the info from Serge Fdida 2 nd Day: CJK and Cutting Edge service roll-out –CJK Japan: Hirosh Esaki (Tokyo U) China: Xing Li (Tsinghua U) Korea: Yanghee Choi (SNU) –Cutting-edge service roll-out Cisco, Huawei SK Broadband, KT, NTT?, Telefonica?

Student Session Communication skills –Rod –Haewoon Kwak on opportunities abroad Student presentations Stude posters 8

Important Dates Important Dates: –School committee formation: Oct 1, 2010 –Student Session TPC formation: Jan 31, 2011 –Home page open: February 10, 2010 –Call for papers: February 28, 2011 –Paper submission due: April 25, 2011 –Paper acceptance notification: May 23, 2011 –The fellowship notification: May 30, 2011 –Call for posters: May 30, 2011 –Paper submission due: June 20, 2011 –Poster acceptance notification: July 4, 2011 –Camera ready submission: July 18, 2011 –The presentation material submission: August 1, 2011 –Summer school : Aug 8-12, 2011