Improved Crop-livestock management systems for enhanced smallholder income and nutrition N. Karbo (Chairman) R. Abaidoo E.O. Otchere G. Gamor H. Abu S.S. Buah (secretary) M.S. Abdulai M. Abdulai Ben. Alenyorege I.Dzormeku
Market analysis -Collective marketing -Input delivery systems -Linking farmers to market Gaps/entry points
Land use and management - (access to land is not considered a gap in the region) -Access to inputs (especially fertilizer and improved seeds) -Labour -Technologies (land preparation technologies) Gaps/entry points
Extension delivery system Involvement of the private sector in the extension delivery system. Training of community livestock workers (men and women volunteers) Extension volunteers Credit delivery -Giving credit to groups of farmers instead of individual farmers Gaps/entry points
Processing technologies (largely female-dominated activity) -Labour saving processing technologies (to reduce the drudgery) Gaps/entry points
Based on constraints, what do you see as key research areas to improve household productivity (crop-livestock- NRM-nutrition-markets)? What available technologies and institutional arrangements do we have that can be integrated to improve productivity and NRM? What specific activities will allow leveraging the power of integrated research? - Which ones are region-specific? - Which ones cut across regions Task
Need to look at the interface among crops, livestock and soil and water relationships Conceptual picture Crops Soil and water Livestock
Access to land and water resources -Project should collect secondary data (including case studies) to get a better understanding of the land and water issues in the region (i.e., land and water management/administration in the region) for integration. Research ideas
Drought Need to look at the weather forecasting systems in the region and improve upon it, if necessary. Explore indigenous methods of weather forecasting Research ideas
Are there adapted varieties for crop-livestock integration Promotion of varieties that are drought tolerant or escape drought, e.g. quality protein maize varieties that produce good yield under drought and striga conditions. Promotion of dual-purpose varieties – varieties that will produce fodder without comprising grain production Introduction of vegetables Research ideas
Causes of low productivity Mindsets – Farmers consider farming as a way of life instead of a business entity Poor soil fertility Striga infestation Pests and disease problems Weak extension system Labour constraints/distribution Poor farming practices High cost and accessibility to input Research ideas
The importance of value addition at farmer level Poverty trap Technologies Markets
Integrating crop and livestock production offers ways to increase production while protecting the environment. Varieties, crop diversification, Weather forecasting? Quality of crop residue? Marketability Feed, health, genetics? Quality and quantity etc? Nutritional qualities? Income. Value addition? Time allocation
Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation