©Copyright 2004-2046 John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 1 Now … Then Mark 12:13-13:2.


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Presentation transcript:

©Copyright John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 1 Now … Then Mark 12:13-13:2

©Copyright John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 2 Now … Then Taxes? Marriage? Law? Enemies? Temple?

©Copyright John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 3 Now … Then 12:13-17 Pharisees And Taxes Now Pharisees & Herodians The image: –Now: to Caesar and to God –Then: only to God

©Copyright John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 4 Now … Then 12:18-27 Sadducees And Marriage Then Sadducees –Now... married –Then... like the angels The Scriptures Power and life

©Copyright John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 5 Now … Then 12:28-34 Scribes And Law Now A Scribe –Love God –Love your neighbor Now … then

©Copyright John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 6 Now … Then 12:35-40 Messiah & His Enemies Now And Then Then … The Messiah … Whose Son? –The Lord –His enemies - footstool The Scribes –Now … their practices –Then … their condemnation

©Copyright John (Jack) W Rendel. All rights reserved. 7 Now … Then 12:41-13:2 The Temple Now And Then Now … The widow threw in more than all into the ark Then … The stones will not remain