How Do Your Customers ‘Experience’ Your Business? Intelligence-based marketing The company knows who you are, what you prefer, and communicates with relevant, timely messages, using the power of analytical intelligence to detect patterns, decode strands of information and create meaningful offers and value ‘Schizophrenic’ marketing The company has delusions about who you are, forgets what you prefer, and tries to reach you with off- target communications that alienate you – based on fragmented data & inadequate faculties, resulting in confusing, chaotic ‘multiple personalities’
Who are my most loyal customers and what promotions are most effective? Do you treat your loyal customers differently than your others? When a customer touches your business, do you have the capability to engage them with targeted messages? How do you determine the level of personalization you give? Which of your profitable customers are at risk of leaving? What are the buying habits of my best customers? Are you matching products and services to the right channels? Can you detect behavioral events and provide timely and relevant customer communications? Customer Relationships & CRM - More Complex Than Ever Before Who are your most valuable customers and what are their attributes? What products do my customers purchase and what do they crossover purchase? What will my customers want next? What product promotions increased sales, transaction size, frequency and crossover? acquire Do you know what constitutes a good customer? Are you using customer lifestyle/lifestage data to find prospects? Can you match customers to the right products and services? Can you use the above knowledge with your current prospect lists to target your marketing efforts? grow the relationship reward loyalty retain customers Today’s marketers have a lot to manage!
Manage the Total Communications Environment with Analytical CRM Direct Mail /Fax ATM/Kiosk Call Center Agent Store /Branch Analytical CRM
Insight Inter-Action Timely Messages Disk array Data Warehouse Intelligence Operational CRM Systems Capture Data All Channels All Touchpoints ATM Internet Extranet / Fax Sales/ Store / Branch Direct Mail Kiosk Agent/Call Center Lead With Analytical CRM For Mission-Critical Intelligence Action Analytics and Modeling Personalize Communication Communication Delivery Communication Planning Customer Optimization Relevant Offers Timely Messages
How Analytical CRM Functions Analysis Analyze customer profiles & behavior Target customers Evaluate response Event Analysis Communication Plan continuous communication dialogues Define batch and real-time event rules and trigger Optimization Prioritize and limit communications by channel Regulate frequency and quantity of contacts by channel Optimize customer communications through contact modeling Personalization Generate personalized offers by customer Build personalization Rules Modeling Build and analyze predictive models Score customers Interaction Deploy outbound or manage pending inbound/event- driven communications Manage workflow of interactions Personalization Merge Real-time personalization Data Warehouse Industry LDM ALL CUSTOMER INTERACTION DATA
Your CRM Process Must Balance Quality of Customer Experiences Achieve Positive Business Results