Transgenic Fish and Aquatic Biodiversity: Modeling Risks Bill Muir, Ph.D. Purdue University
Type of Hazard (or Lack of) Dependent on Effect of Transgene on Fitness Components Invasion Extinction No Risk
Hazards Associated with Negative Interaction of Transgene on of Adult Viability and Mating Success Transgene Purged by Natural Selection Transgene Increased by Natural Selection Population Purged by Natural Selection (Trojan Gene)
Hazards Associated with Negative Interaction of Transgene on Adult Viability and Male Fertility Transgene Purged by Natural Selection Transgene Increased by Natural Selection Population Purged by Natural Selection (Trojan Gene)
Hazards Associated With Negative Interaction of Adult Viability, Fertility, and Mating Success Transgene Purged by Natural Selection Transgene Increased by Natural Selection Population Purged by Natural Selection (Trojan Gene)
Can we Make The Trojan Gene Work For US? New Method of Biological Control of Insect Pests and Invasive Species