THE FOOD SYSTEM VAISHALI ICAR research complex for eastern region Patna, Bihar India
Food Availability Production Distribution Exchange Food Access Affordability Allocation Preference Food Utilization Nutritional value Social value Food safety Important activities in the food system
Production 1. Land preparation Land availability Rainfall / irrigation Soil type 2. Purchase of inputs Availability in the market Prices Capital with the farmer
3. Sowing and Weed / pest control Rainfall / irrigation Soil type Labour availability Availability of inputs 4. Harvesting Labour availability Climate Market demand 5. Selling / consumption Household need Market demand / price Need of cash Transportation Production
Distribution Selling / buying Consumption need Price Need for cash (indebtedness) Marketing facilities Demand in the market Storage facilities 2.Processing and packaging Type of product Infrastructure facilities Skills available Margin of profit
3.Transportation Consumption needs Infrastructure Time and Cost of transportation Distribution
Exchange Non availability of cash Poor marketing mechanism Urgency of needs
Food Access Affordability Household income Price Allocation Policy support Preference Food habits Customs and traditions
1. Nutritional value Health need Taste 2. Social value Social preferences Customs and traditions Advertisement Demonstration effect Social status Food Utilization
3. Food safety Ingredients Hygiene Awareness Digestibility
Availability of information Demographic data Geographical information Education Health Energy & electricity Land use Area production and productivity data Fertilizer consumption Consumption of seeds, pesticides and insecticides (in quintal)
Detail of irrigation facilities in the district Classification of workers Size of holdings Animal husbandry Number of bank branches Rapid household survey data – reproduction and child health
Review Production Pro-poor Intervention Strategies in Irrigated Agriculture in Asia Country Work Plan – India; Pro-poor Intervention Strategies in Irrigated Agriculture in Asia (RETA No. 5945) 160 IRS-1B based FCC image interpretation for land use and land cover mapping: An expert system approach, Rajkishore Prasad & A. K. Sinha,; Deptt. of Statistics and Evaluation, Govt. of Bihar SERVING FARMERS AND SAVING FARMING National Commission on Farmers (NCF), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, December 2004 Report of the National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, 2005
Understanding Poverty and Vulnerability in India’s Uttar Pradesh and Bihar: A Mixed Method Approach; Barbara Parker and Valerie Kozel (World Bank) Kozel, V and B. Parker: “Poverty in Rural India: The Contribution of Qualitative Research in Poverty Analysis”; WDR on Poverty and development 2000/01 in Stiglitz Summer Research Workshop on Poverty, washingtonDC, Q-Squared Working Paper No. 9 October 2005 The Great Indian Poverty Debate/edited by Angus Deaton and Valerie Kozel. Delhi, MacMillan, 2005, xix, 600 p., tables, ISBN Rural Settlement Patterns : A Case Study of Vaishali District/Shio Muni Yadav. 1997, xii, 171 p., figs. Vedams eBooks (P) Ltd. Vardhaman Charve Plaza IV, Building # 9, K.P Block, Pitampura, New Delhi , India, Fax: , Social value
Understanding the Linkages Between Population Growth, Depletion of Natural Resources and its Implications for Women: A Focus on the EAG States, Kamla Gupta and Mohua Guha, National Seminar on Population, Environment and Nexus, October 21, 2005, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai Adapting food systems of the Indo-Gangetic plains to global environmental change: key information needs to improve policy formulation, P.K. Aggarwal, P.K. Joshi, J.S.I. Ingram, R.K. Gupta Environmental Science & Policy 7 (2004) 487–498 Food safety
Nutritional value ICDS Programme in Bihar, N.C.Saxena; Bottlenecks in the implementation of ICDS Programmes And proposes recommendations which are feasible and practical in the context of Bihar df%20files/comrs%20report/fifthreportofcommissi oners.pdf