Karen E. Schetzina, MD, MPH "It is astonishing with how little reading a doctor can practice medicine, but it is not astonishing how badly he may do it." Sir William Osler
Goals: Learning evidence-based medicine (EBM) skills. Learning about the best evidence to inform clinical decisions. Learning about important new evidence that should change practice.
Asking questions Searching for evidence Critical appraisal Integration into decisions Self-evaluation Part of becoming competent in “Practice-Based Learning and Improvement”
Four parts to every journal club: Selection of an answerable clinical question Presentation of abstracts and selection of full article to review Presentation and discussion of full article CAT based on article discussed distributed for peer review * See schedule:
Background questions Ask for general knowledge about a condition or thing Example: How E. coli 0157:H7 trigger hemolytic uremic syndrome? Foreground questions Asks for specific knowledge to inform clinical decisions or actions Have four essential components: Patient and/or problem Intervention or exposure Comparison, if relevant Clinical outcomes
Clinical findings/manifestations Etiology Differential diagnosis Diagnostic tests Prognosis Therapy Prevention Experience and meaning Improvement
Your Turn: Think about patients you saw yesterday or during your last call. What questions did you have?
Nakia, ETSU Medical Librarian ( ) can assist with literature searches. Dr. Schetzina can assist with interpreting data, critically appraising article, and developing an outline for your presentation Resources are posted on EPIC at ( ) Integration with hospital rounds In August Nakia will present with Dr. Wallace on evidence searches/resources
Show and discuss 3-5 abstracts that you think may answer your clinical question, focusing on the methods used in the study. Research question/hypothesis Population / setting / sample size Design Potential conflict of interest Select (generally by majority consensus) what article to review in-depth.
Review your clinical question Summarize your evidence search Summarize the study Discuss: Are the results valid? Are they important? Are they relevant to our patient(s)? Download/use worksheets from the EPIC site to guide your critical appraisal:
How does the evidence inform your clinical practice? Do you plan to change anything that you do based on this review?
CAT distributed and feedback discussed following the article presentation Finalized CATs published to EPIC website archive; you may cite on your CV Citation example: Schetzina, KE. Critically Appraised Topic: Use of Basal- Bolus Insulin Therapy at Time of Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Pediatric Patients Provides Improved Glycemic Control Compared to Traditional NPH Regimens. ETSU Pediatric CATs. Available at: Updated April 8, Accessed February 4, 2011.
July: 1. Aboaziza 2. Presley/Jafri 3. Jaynes/Kearns August: Librarians only Sept: 1. Presley/Jafri 2. Jaynes/Kearns 3. Hudson/Burns Oct: 1. Jaynes/Kearns 2. Hudson/Burns 3. Bidot/Agarwal Nov: 1. Hudson/Burns 2. Bidot/Agarwal 3. Aboaziza/Farmer Dec: 1. Bidot/Agarwal 2. Aboaziza/Farmer 3. Lauhan/Herrmann 1=Discuss article 2=Present abstracts 3=Assigned a question