Assure Consulting - Private1Contents Assure Consulting Services Assure’s Business Delivery Units Assure’s Model Assure’s Hiring Solution Process Assure’s clients
Assure Consulting - Private2 Assure Consulting Services
Assure Consulting - Private3 The Organization Promoted in 1996 Funded by Angel Investors Focused technology hiring solution provider Brick–Mortar–Click Model to provide hiring solution Business Delivery Units provide customized and scalable hiring solutions Technology Practice to effectively screen in-depth and validate profiles
Assure Consulting - Private4 Mission To provide state of the solutions to meet HR requirements
Assure Consulting - Private5 Values Organizational ethics, honesty, confidentiality and mutual respect Relationships before transactions Team efforts before Individuality Value delivered and created before value received
Assure Consulting - Private6 Assure’s Business Delivery Units
Assure Consulting - Private7 Assure’s Business Delivery Units ASSURE Assure Consulting Services Assure Abroad Assure Assist Assure Freshman
Assure Consulting - Private8 1. Assure Abroad Hiring solutions for Consulting and Development Companies in USA, Canada, Europe and Australia Clients : Phoenix Technologies, Xoriant, Latitude Communications, Garuda Networks, Pyramid Consulting, Nutech, Velio, Xtera, World Wide Packets, Ditech Communications, Intevis
Assure Consulting - Private9 2. Assure Consulting High Technology Hiring Service Provider for Companies in India Clients : Cisco Systems, Lucent Technologies, Motorola, National Semi Conductor, Hewlett Packard, Ericsson, Agere Systems, Verifone, Hughes Software, IKOS, Sasken, Adobe Systems
Assure Consulting - Private10 3. Assure Assist Hiring and HR Solutions for high technology start ups in India Clients : Impuslsesoft, Winphoria Networks, Aztec Software, Indtelesoft, Trivium Software, Ittiam, Delsoft, Ramp Networks, Ishoni Networks,
Assure Consulting - Private One of the emerging web sites in India for high technology jobs in India and USA. The site provides information on work and related issues in the USA.
Assure Consulting - Private12 5. Assure Freshman Campus and Out of Campus Hiring Programs for high technology start ups in India
Assure Consulting - Private13 The Assure Model
Assure Consulting - Private14 Brick - Mortar Component Focused Headhunting Targeted Talent Search Associates and Business Partners Technology Recruitments Technology Fairs References p-CRM Model
Assure Consulting - Private15 The Click Component The Assure Database Posting of job requirements Mailing lists Newsletters Focused Target group advertisements Inward Traffic directing E-CRM
Assure Consulting - Private16 The Assured Technology Practice Model Practice Area 1Practice Area 2Practice Area 3 Practice Managers Resourcing Specialist Headhunters Resume Intranet
Assure Consulting - Private17 Assure's Hiring Solution Process
Assure Consulting - Private18 Hiring Solution Model Stage 1 : Understanding Business, Technology and Hiring Requirements Stage 2 : The search Research Candidate Sourcing Evaluation Candidate’s Interest and validation Components of the BMC model will be used for the search process depending on the client requirements
Assure Consulting - Private19 Hiring Solution Model … contd. Stage 3: Presentation, Interviews and Reference checks Stage 4 : The Job offer stage Stage 5: The Transition Management Process
Assure Consulting - Private20 Our Clients - India Cisco Systems Agere Systems Motorola National Semi Conductors Lucent Technologies Hewlett Packard Accelerated Networks Hughes Software Systems Verifone Jasmine Networks Trivium Software Impulse Software Tarang Onscan Real Chip IKOS Delsoft Winphoria Networks Aztec Software Tata Elxsi Ericsson Sasken Communication Telesoft Technolgies United Telecom Vinciti Networks Primark Princeton Consulting
Assure Consulting - Private21 Assure Abroad - Clients Phoenix Technologies, USA Nutech Information, USA Team Soft Inc., USA Globalcase Technologies, USA Pyramid Consulting, USA Optimum Technologies, USA Velio Inc., USA Xtera Inc., USA Convergent Networks USA Ditech Communications USA Unisoft-IT, UK Jasstech Consulting, UK Intevis Inc., USA
Assure Consulting - Private22 ASSUREd Database System Software Windows / NT / CE / Unix Internals, Kernals, Device Drivers, DDK, OS/2, Win SDK, pSOS(RTOS), VxWorks / Tornado Communication & NMS TCP/IP, SNMP, CMIP, Sockets, X.25, TMN, HP OV, Sun Solaris, Optical Networking, Protocols like J1850,CAN, KW2000, SONET, SDH, NMS, 2G, 3G, Wireless Real Time / Embedded Systems PSOS,iRMX,OS9,Embedded systems, vxWorks, ASIC design, VHDL, Verilog, PAL, EPLD,FPGA, CISC, Microtec XRAY, pRISM, SDS Cross code, ISR, Device Drivers OOPS C++, Small Talk, OODB, OOAD Telecom GSM, GPRS, UMTS, ISDN,SNMP, H323, SIP, MGCP, USB, ATM. Frame Relay Bluetooth, WAP, VPN,VoiP, QoS, SS7 Protocols Internet Java, Java Beans, JSP, XML, EJB, RMI, Swing, Weblogic, Websphere, CORBA, LDAP CRM Tools Siebel, Clarify, Vantive QA & Testing Silk Runner, White Box Testing Black Box Testing, Load Runner System Admin / DBA UNIX / Windows NT / Oracle / Sybase