SICoP Presentation A story about communication Michael Lang BEARevelytix May 2, 2007
Interoperability ► This track concerns making an SOA as managable and interoperable as is possible Description Abstraction Governance Communication ► Community based Communication
Agenda ► Communication in Indonesia ► Schemas and Languages Semantic Technology ETL and data warehousing ► Roadmap Transitioning from here to there ► Vocabulary Management ► Semantic Data Services
Indonesia in 1960 ► Indonesia is comprised of several thousand islands ► 340 different languages/dialects are spoken ► Indonesia is not an integrated country ► The President decided that Indonesia needed a common vocabulary so that the groups could communicate with each other
Indonesia Today ► The language/vocabulary was developed and is now in widespread use ► Indonesia is interoperable today
IT Systems ► Each system is an island and it has its own language We call these languages schemas ► If we want to be able to speak among systems we need a common vocabulary ► Key concept #1 Language = Vocabulary = Schema The language is used by a community
Languages ► Features A way to represent concepts and the relationships between concepts A way of representing facts about the world A way of adding concepts, relationships and facts without breaking the language A syntax or grammar that shows how the language is structured and functions
Why are there Data Warehouses ► The Sales community uses the schema of the CRM system to capture facts and concepts ► Manufacturing uses the schema of the ERP system ► Finance wants to forecast trends Invent a new language that has some of the concepts and facts of both systems as well as additional concepts Build a new system
XSD as a Language ► XSD is a great way to define the terms and syntax for a community And it is a language, and it can be extended But, systems processing XML documents containing the data are expecting the structure to be fixed according to an XSD If the structure is different the system must be changed ► Address Street City Zip code Address Street Apt number City Zip Address Street1 Street2 City Postal Code
XSD as a Language ► The purpose of XSD is to specify syntax The representation of the data is determined by the schema IT systems that process XML count on this ► XSD has serious limitations as the technology for achieving interoperability Every time the Language is extended the systems must be recoded ► New communities cannot enter into the vocabulary adding their own concepts Or extending existing concepts
RDF OWL SPARQL Semantic Technology
► The first fundamental change in Information Management since the RDBMS was developed in the early 1980’s ► Key concept #2 The “data” exists independently of any schema data = instances = facts
RDF RDF is uniquely positioned as a machine readable lingua franca for representing relational, XML, proprietary, and most other data formats ► BUT, it is not a language There is no schema It is a way of making data accessible to ANY schema defined using OWL or RDFS
RDF ► ► RDF uses a graph structure Can more accurately represent the entities being modeled Can represent objects with complex structures directly without exposing implementation techniques, e.g. hierarchical structures ► ► Data schemas do not need to be determined a priori ► ► New data from disparate sources can be integrated seamlessly on the fly by merging two (or more) RDF graphs ► ► RDF models data’s content and meaning, rather than just its structure or serialization
RDF is Schemaless ► The schema can be defined using RDFS or OWL ► Since the data is independent of the schema any language can be developed and deployed Seamlessly incorporate new data sources, regardless of schema Business logic and user-interface logic far more resilient in the face of unexpected data and schema evolution
Creating Languages with OWL Structuring RDF with Ontologies ► ► The Web Ontology Language (OWL) allows the declaration of rules to define and describe RDF vocabularies. ► OWL can be used to define the language for any community ► OWL models can be extended without breaking the system that is consuming the data
SPARQL SPARQL: Web-aware semantic query ► ► SPARQL is a SQL-like language for querying distributed RDF graphs ► ► SPARQL queries emphasize: Distributed data. Multiple data sources can be queried at once because SPARQL addresses graphs by URI. Ragged data. The SPARQL OPTIONAL keyword lets users explore heterogeneous data in a single query. Unpredictable data. The ability to query for predicates and information about predicates makes SPARQL ideal for exploring new and unexpected data.
Myth: None of this Works ► Not true Many tools are capable of producing RDF Some are good at representing relational data as RDF ► There are several good OWL modeling tools available ► Jena and Sesame are open source reasoner/SPARQL engines ► Many commercial products are incorporating support for semantic technology now
How to get from here to there ► Here Currently SOA’s exchange data as XML where the document structure is determined by an XSD and the query language is XQuery ► There SOA’s exchange data as RDF and query using SPARQL
Semantic Alignment of Data Services Mapping Vocabularies A & B Vocabulary A Vocabulary B “same as” or “same class as” Web Services Mapping Vocabulary generate describe the RDF describe the RDF Describe the structure (elements & attributes) Describe the structure (elements & attributes) XSD XML Messages (in RDF XML) XML Messages (in RDF XML) WSDL reference describe You can have one or more of these
Using Service Responses RDF Content RDF Content from all Responses XML Messages (in RDF XML) Web Services extract combine KNOWN FACTS
Context Based Integration Vocabularies (OWL) Composed at design- time “Semantic Interpreter” or “Semantic Message Translator” Small wrapper around Jena submitproduce QUERY (SPARQL) KNOWN FACTS NEXT SERVICE REQUEST MESSAGE Designed to obtain desired message for next service call Composed from previous messages in a SOA transaction plus assertions (facts) obtained from other sources
Transition Plan ► Start developing Community of Interest based Vocabularies as OWL models immediately ► Generate XSD’s to facilitate the use of existing infrastructure directly from the OWL models ► Begin a program of representing service based information as RDF ► Build applications that access the RDF representation using the previously developed OWL models through SPARQL/reasoner engines
Conclusions ► Semantic Technology is the only natural integration technology available ► It is game changing in delivering capability ► The road ahead is apparent if not quite obvious yet ► Commercial tools are available and more are coming soon ► It is time to get started
Vocabulary Management
Designing Semantic Data Services Structured and Unstructured Data DB XML Customer Portal Partner App Employee Portal EAI / ESB BPM ?
Structured and Unstructured Data DB XML Customer Portal Partner App Employee Portal EAI / ESB BPM Semantic Data Services Designing Semantic Data Services
Vocabulary Management ► Step 1: Extract semantics from existing data Import, tokenize, assign definitions, …
Vocabulary Management Step 1: Extract semantics from existing data DB XML
Vocabulary Management ► Step 1: Extract semantics from existing data Import, tokenize, assign definitions, … ► Step 2: Create bootstrapped vocabulary Discover terms, concepts, duplications, similarities, …
Vocabulary Management Step 2: Create bootstrapped vocabulary OWL
Vocabulary Management ► Step 1: Extract semantics from existing data Import, tokenize, assign definitions, … ► Step 2: Create bootstrapped vocabulary Discover terms, concepts, duplications, similarities, … ► Step 3: Evolve vocabulary collaboratively Make meaningful for people using natural language Use formalisms for machines via OWL Web-based collaboration and sharing
Vocabulary Management Step 3: Evolve vocabulary collaboratively
Vocabulary Management ► Step 1: Extract semantics from existing data Import, tokenize, assign definitions, … ► Step 2: Create bootstrapped vocabulary Discover terms, concepts, duplications, similarities, … ► Step 3: Evolve vocabulary collaboratively Make meaningful for people using natural language Use formalisms for machines via OWL Web-based collaboration and sharing ► Step 4: Use vocabulary Used by people and tools
Vocabulary Management Step 4: Use vocabulary to understand
Structured and Unstructured Data DB XML Customer Portal Partner App Employee Portal EAI / ESB BPM Semantic Data Services Vocabulary Management ???? Step 4: Use vocabulary to design services OWL
Vocabulary Management Step 4: Use vocabulary to design services
Designing Semantic Data Services Vocabulary Management: ► Bootstrap vocabularies with existing data sources ► People collaborate on creation of vocabularies ► People can understand vocabularies ► Tools can use vocabularies (OWL artifacts) to produce semantic data services Next: ► Deploy and use semantic data services
Structured and Unstructured Data DB XML Customer Portal Partner App Employee Portal EAI / ESB BPM Designing Semantic Data Services BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform (ALDSP) OWL Import BEA AquaLogic Workshop Semantic Data Services Mapping with MatchIT Knoodl
SICoP Knowledge Reference Model The point of this graph is that Increasing Metadata (from glossaries to ontologies) is highly correlated with Increasing Search Capability (from discovery to reasoning).