Faye Business Systems Group presents: The Top 10 Reasons Why CRM Implementations Fail
1. Not Defining Clear Objectives for the Project A successful project is one that meets its objectives. Do a proper assessment of objectives before the implementation to help keep the project on track. Think of the 3 MOST important goals for the CRM implementation to accomplish. And remember, get input from different departments! Defining goals will create an outline for success and will help while you are getting used to using the CRM on a daily basis.
Why CRM Implementations Fail 2. Poor Planning or Project Management Do not let the implementation become overly disruptive to the organization’s daily business practices. First, answer these questions: Who at your company will be the internal project manager? Does this person have managements full support? Do they have time? Are they clear on their goals? Is there a project plan?
Why CRM Implementations Fail 3. Believing that software will solve your problems when software is just a tool or enabler Understand that CRM will help you to be effective in organizing your daily schedule, measuring results and knowing your customers! No software will solve all of an organizations problems!
Why CRM Implementations Fail 4. Trying to Use or Add Every Feature in the New Software Right Away A phased approach works best! Introduce the staff to new processes gradually Limit yourself to only the customizations that support your Top 3 goals
Why CRM Implementations Fail 5. Insufficient Training and Support Plan in to the budget for training and support! Enable the CRM users to get properly trained AND make sure there is support for them in place. Don’t assume your team has the time or energy to “learn it on their own.”
Why CRM Implementations Fail 6. Not Getting Buy-In from Employees Ahead of Time All employees must believe in the CRM strategy! They must understand how it helps them. Upper management MUST support and mandate the software implementation. Significant and positive communication from management is critical.
Why CRM Implementations Fail 7. Incomplete, Erroneous, or Bogus Data in New Software Make sure data is converted accurately and completely before turning on the switch. This will help prevent frustrated employees who don’t trust the data in the CRM. If information cannot be converted accurately or completely, make sure there is plenty of communication about what is happening.
Why CRM Implementations Fail 8. Not Planning for Change or Handling Out of Scope Issues What will happen if you go over budget?What will happen if the project takes longer than expected? Answer the hard questions before you begin the implementation. It’s always best to be prepared.
Why CRM Implementations Fail 9. Unstable hardware or network platform to support the new software Make sure you have a fast, reliable internet connection before implementing hosted software. Don’t worry about unstable hardware or network platform!
Why CRM Implementations Fail 10. Choosing the Wrong Software and/or the Wrong Provider Make sure you’re doing your own research and choosing a CRM software that fits best with your company and its goals. Verify that the software can easily handle changes in your business and changes in number of users.
Faye Business Systems Group Questions? Comments? Please contact: Kimberly Douglass, Account Executive