Presentation to CEESP Executive Committee November 2011 New Delhi
Application Form – requires recommendation by 2 current CEESP Members Forward to Co-Chairs for Approval Chairs response to Member Add to INDABA, CRM Process can take between 2 days – 2 weeks Longer process occurs when there is a need to request for more information, or if Co- Chair does not have access to internet during that time
Used as the current system of communication within CEESP Themes TCC, TILCEPA, SEAPRISE, TSL, TGER-CMWG CEESP Regions, The new CEESP Groups SUSG, TILCEPA Marine, TILCEPA Mountains, TECS do not have INDABA functions Requires constant reboot to keep it going until the portals are functional CEESP EO administers all INDABA Lists for CEESP except for TSL & WAMIP
Replace KN functionalities as the internal staff tool for managing commissions, commissions members and group, doing queries, etc. (to manage all IUCN contacts in fact). Act as a backend database for the frontend portal that will be accessible by all non staff people, like commission members, commission or group chair, etc.
◦ Commission groups ◦ Commission members ◦ Roles ◦ Data Maintenance (Commissions Portals)
RegionsNumber Africa135 East Europe, North and Central Asia13 Meso and South America94 North America and the Caribbean169 Oceania97 South and East Asia168 Statutory Region1 West Asia31 West Europe214 #N/A11 Grand Total933
CEESP GroupsNumber CEESP - Steering Committee26 CEESP - Theme on Culture and Conservation125 CEESP - Theme on Environment, Conflict and Security75 CEESP - Theme on Governance, Equity & Rights338 CEESP - Theme on Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, Equity and Protected Areas266 CEESP - Theme on Sustainable Livelihoods198 CEESP - Theme on the Environment, Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment57 CEESP - Theme on the Social and Environmental Accountability of the Private Sector99 CEESP - TILCEPA Marine28 CEESP - TILCEPA Mountains37 Connected To1 IUCN CEESP/SSC Sustainable Use Specialist Group37 Grand Total1287
2009 ◦ 580 recorded member on the KN ◦ 743 by the end of 2009 2011 ◦ 933 total members ◦ Spread across themes and regions ◦ Growth in Regions Meso America, North America and Canada ◦ Oceania
Complete cross check CRM transition Complete corrections Send generated CRM lists of all Themes and Regions to Co & Vice-Chairs