Reverse Osmosis Water Plant Mr. Nafez Husseini, Chief Technology & Telecom Officer Consolidated Contractors CO. CCC
Project Background Gaza suffers from a shortage of clean and good conditioned water Main sources of water in Gaza is from local wells and Israel Water Authorities (MAKAROT) Target production capacity of 2 million m3 per year Dispatched through main distribution network of the PWA
Proposed Strategy Development of a RO sea water plant in Gaza Plant to be located within GPGC ’ s property GPGC to manage and operate the plant Fuel to be Diesel (Years 1-3) then Gas (Years 4+) Project to be on a 20-year BOT basis Selling price to be competitive with current sources
Strategic Advantages Supply of good quality water to the Palestinian people Development of sustainable and independent Palestinian utilities sector Utilizing GPGC ’ s economies of scale improves efficiency
Financial Overview Preliminary Model Assumptions Development Cost: ~ $9 million Annual Operating Costs: Years 1 – 3:~ $1.3 million Years 4+:~ $1.0 million Estimated Market Share: 3 – 4 % Expected IRR: 18 %