The Verb Ir
What is Ir To say where someone is going, we use the verb Ir Ir a la escuela The verb Ir is iRrEgUlAr
Here are the present tense forms of Ir Yo VOYNosotros VAMOS Tu VASXXX El VAEllos VAN
Ir a The verb Ir is almost always followed by a Ir = to go A = to Ir a = to go to To ask where someone is going, we use ¿Adónde? ¿Adónde vas? (To where are you going?)
¡Vamos! Sometimes, people say ¡Vamos! This means “let’s go!”
Ir + a + Infinitive We use this formula to say we are going to do something Voy a nadar = I am going to swim Van a estudiar = They are going to study
Practice Nosotros _________ al parque You go to the library You sir go homevamos Vas a la biblioteca (Ud) va a casa