CS 454 Theory of Computation Sonoma State University, Fall 2012 Instructor: B. (Ravi) Ravikumar Office: 116 I Darwin Hall
Lecture 1 Goals: overview (45 minutes) Course overview Field overview Chapter 1 (55 minutes)
What is theory of computation? Theory of computation deals with computational models – what they can and can’t do. Computational models: instead of defining it, we will give some examples. Cellular automaton L-system finite automaton
Virtual cities generated using L systems
Course overview finite automata DFA, NFA, regular expressions proof of equivalence, algorithms for conversions What can’t be done by FA? DFA minimization context-free languages grammar, pushdown automaton equivalence what can’t be done by cfg’s?
Turing machines computability variations of Turing machines reductions, unsolvability other computational models Complexity Theory time complexity NP-completeness Other topics applications (e.g. compilers, image compression, graphics etc.) cryptography, interactive proof systems biologically inspired models of computation
9 Why Study Theory of Computation? From Stanford survey (Jeff Ullman) A survey of Stanford grads 5 years out asked which of their courses did they use in their job. Basics like CS106 (~ CS 215) took the top spots, of course. But among optional courses, CS 154 stood remarkably high. 3X the score for AI, for example.
10 How Could That Be? Regular expressions are used in many systems. E.g., UNIX a.*b. E.g., DTD's (Document Type Definition) describe XML tags with a RE format like person (name, addr, child*). Finite automata model protocols, electronic circuits. Theory is used in model-checking.
11 How? – (2) Context-free grammars are used to describe the syntax of essentially every programming language. Not to forget their important role in describing natural languages. And DTD’s taken as a whole, are really CFG’s.
12 How? – (3) When developing solutions to real problems, we often confront the limitations of what software can do. Undecidable things – no program whatever can do it. Intractable things – there are programs, but no fast programs. CS 454 (and CS 415) give you the tools.
13 Other aspects of CS 454 We’ll learn how to deal formally with discrete systems. Proofs: You never really prove a program correct, but you need to be thinking of why a tricky technique really works. Abstract models are important to design and understand complex software. Abstract State Machine used to design Microsoft products State Charts play a key role in software systems.
14 Text uHopcroft, Motwani, Ullman, Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation 3 rd Edition. u Goal is to cover roughly ¾ of the book.
15 Gradiance Registration The “class token” for this edition of CS 454 is 7AC0798E u Register it at
16 Homework The intent is that everyone will get 100% on all homeworks. You are allowed to try as many times as you like. Only the last try counts. Don’t be afraid to guess and try again. You’ll get some advice if you make a mistake.