Operational Excellence in Effort Reporting Effort Certification and Reporting Technology (ecrt) Sessions Audience: Campuses not on the Project Team June , 2012 Vision Statement: Implement a compliant, streamlined, electronic effort reporting process that reduces administrative burden.
Agenda 2 Purpose of this session: To keep you informed and aware of the progress of the effort reporting project Provide you with the opportunity to become familiar with ecrt in a “sandbox” environment – this is not testing or training Topics: Impacts on principal investigators and research administrators Source data that is displayed in ecrt Information about your access to ecrt Next steps
About the Project 3 Campus and central office research administrators are collaborating to develop an electronic effort reporting process that: Reduces administrative burden to principal investigators (PIs) and the research support function Improves compliance through accuracy and education Campuses represented on the project team: CNSE University at Albany Binghamton University University at Buffalo Stony Brook University Upstate Medical University SUNY Downstate Medical Center SUNY ESF SUNY New Paltz Buffalo State College
Impact on Principal Investigators 4 Electronic tool to certify effort on federal and federal flow- through sponsored programs workflow notification Available anywhere PI has Internet access Access to more information to better understand what they are certifying PIs will be able to drill into detailed payroll data Assigned role of self-certifier in ecrt Responsible for certifying their effort May be responsible for certifying effort for their research staff Campus has flexibility to assign a proxy certifier with firsthand knowledge if needed
Impact on Research Administrators 5 An electronic tool means No more printing, mailing and filing of hard copy effort statements Easier to monitor effort statement certifications New effort reporting roles Opportunity for process improvements to ensure accurate data and compliance Oracle is the source system for the data displayed in ecrt
Impact on Research Administrators 6 Human resources administrators Capturing employee information not previously entered in Oracle PI addresses, actual department names and job titles Communications and training Central office will provide materials for campuses to use Campus staff will need to update campus materials as appropriate Campus web page Help us announce new tool and training at your campus
PI Addresses 7 Issue: addresses needed for ecrt workflow functionality Solution: Update the individual’s Oracle People record with his or her address All campuses should now have a process in place to capture this information in Oracle going forward Rachel Shapiro sent an on December 1, 2011 Monitoring options: Discoverer query: “HR_Reporting Check for Active Employees” displays addresses Shared under the 650_Reporting username ecrt: List of All Users Report
PI Department Name and Job Title 8 Issues: SUNY employees have a “SUNY IFR/Cost Sharing” assignment in Oracle with a “No Job Required” job title Above information is necessary for IFR processing Solution: Update the individual’s actual department name and actual job title on his or her Oracle Assignment form using the extra information option that some campuses are using to capture information used for the Coeus implementation Actual department name and job title makes ecrt meaningful and relevant to PIs
PI Department Name and Job Title 9 All campuses should now have a process in place to capture this information in Oracle going forward Rachel Shapiro sent an on April 11, 2012 Monitoring options: Discoverer query: “HR_Reporting Check for Active Employees” also displays an individual’s actual department name and job title Shared under the 650_Reporting username ecrt: List of All Users Report
Introduction to ecrt 10 Central office is still preparing the environments An environment for each campus Each campus will receive an information package when their environment is ready: URL needed to access environment Usernames and passwords Campus effort reporting periods of performance Simple instructions and scenarios to perform tasks in ecrt Access ecrt as often as you want Tasks should take no longer than one hour total Anticipated timeframe: July
Campus Support 11 Direct all questions to: The staff member below will respond to your questions: CampusCentral Office Primary Contact Alfred State CollegeLiz Piga College at OneontaAnne Connolly College of OptometryCarol Berdar Empire State CollegeGarrett Kinne Farmingdale State CollegeCarol Berdar Maritime CollegeGarrett Kinne Morrisville State CollegeMark Abbey Old WestburyDonna Kiley Purchase CollegeMark Abbey SUNY BrockportLiz Piga SUNY CantonCarol Berdar CampusCentral Office Primary Contact SUNY CobleskillLiz Piga SUNY CortlandCarol Berdar SUNY DelhiDonna Kiley SUNY FredoniaLiz Piga SUNY GeneseoGarrett Kinne SUNY ITMark Abbey SUNY OswegoDonna Kiley SUNY PlattsburghMark Abbey SUNY PotsdamGarrett Kinne System Admin-ProvostDonna Kiley
Introduction to ecrt 12
Access the Introduction Environment 13 1.Open an Internet browser and navigate to the URL we will send 2.Select your campus from the Institution drop-down menu
Access the Introduction Environment 14 3.Enter the your username and password (case sensitive) 4.Click Login
15 Access the Introduction Environment The primary method of navigating within ecrt are the navigation tabs across the top of the screen o Home – returns the user to the Work List form anywhere in the application o Certify, Manage, Reports, and Administration – Will display only when the user has the right to view the pages within that tab o Links – helpful links picked by the RF
Run the List of All Users Report 16 This report will help you verify that addresses, actual department names and job titles are listed in ecrt for your PIs If there is missing data: SUNY employees have a “SUNY IFR/Cost Sharing” assignment in Oracle with a “No Job Required” job title Update the Coeus Extra Information form in Oracle with the individual’s department name and job title Missing addresses Update the individual’s Oracle People record with his or her address
17 Run the List of All Users Report 1.Click Reports 2.Select the following options from the Reports page: 1.Category: Monitoring 2.Reports: List of All Users
18 Run the List of All Users Report 1.Enter the following input parameters: 1.School/Department: Your campus name 2.Click Run Report
Run the List of All Users Report
20 Access an Effort Statement 1.Select one of the following to view an effort statement: a.Navigate to the Certify tab on the menu bar and select My Statements b.Click the name on the left side of the screen c.Click on an individual effort on the right side of the screen under Status bc a
Review the Effort Statement 21
Run the Payroll Report The Payroll Report lists all payroll transactions charged by an individual during the duration of the Period of Performance for the effort statement. 1.Click the Run Reports icon above the Awards column header 2.Click Payroll Report 22
Run the Payroll Report 23
Next Steps 24 Campuses that certify three times per year will use Oracle to certify spring 2012 effort statements Campuses that certify two times per year will use Oracle to certify effort statements for the first half of 2012 Campuses should complete data clean up by July 31, 2012 Central office will send the Introduction to ecrt information to you via in July Send questions or comments to