What you can do with facebook: What you can do with facebook: o o You can see where old friends have gone o o Students can make new friendships through common interests o o Connect with people in your classes o o Be apart of groups with similar interests o o Share photos o o Write notes
Downside to Facebook: Privacy Downside to Facebook: Privacy Privacy options pertain only to blocking entire profiles, or limiting certain information such as phone numbers and screen names to friends or students only. Users can create secret groups that are invitation only, but public groups are open to all Facebook users at that university. Additionally, those in other university networks who are friends with a single user can click around groups, read the message boards and see who has joined the groupeven if the members profile is set to private. Due to changes in Facebook, it is easier to see what other people are doing. This can be creepy, and lead to things that you dont want; such as stalking. You dont think it could happen, YOUR WRONG, it does happen, and has happened.
Don't put anything you don't want seen by your: Don't put anything you don't want seen by your: o - Parents o - Grandparents o - Religious Leaders o - Coach/Teachers o - Law Enforcement o - Agencies o - Future Employers
Be careful with personal information: Be careful with personal information: Many students include a lot of information, much of it quite personal, in their individual profiles. Information such as cellular phone numbers, room numbers or addresses, class schedules, personal websites, pictures and job information often are readily available for Friends to view. Many students are not very discriminating regarding who they designate as Friends, often granting this designation to people they have just met or to Friends of Friends. This practice can put students in a vulnerable position when so much personal information is available.
Be careful with personal information: Be careful with personal information: The Facebook also is used as a way to meet people and for dating. You could be naïve and may be duped by another Friends profile, especially if youve just met the person or dont really know them. You need to be careful about going to meet other people in person when they only know the other person from online contact. So info you shouldn't post: So info you shouldn't post: oAddress oPhone # oJob address oClass schedule w/ times oAny info that could be used to find you If they want to talk to you make them send a message!
Last bit of Advice: Last bit of Advice: You need to be aware of how your personal information might be used by others, If you engage in ANY illegal behaviorwhether you post it on Facebook or notyou are putting yourself at risk not only of Student Code of Conduct charges, but much more in terms of the achievement of your personal and educational goals Can your profile be used against you? Can your profile be used against you? Yes, your profile is public information. It can be used by the Police, Judicial Affairs, FBI, The Court System…basically anyone!
Groups Groups Groups are a fun way to meet new people who share common interests. Be careful of what groups you are a part of... Everyone can see what groups you are in. o o Words on electronic forums are still words in real life. Words can be hurtful no matter what form they come in o oThe groups that you are a part of reflect who you are and what you do.
Things to think about for the future: Things to think about for the future: Students will be students, of course -- but students should beware. Employers have caught wind of this new national pastime of their entry-level job candidates. In fact, a student at Vermont Technical College recently had a job offer rescinded by an employer who saw the student's Facebook profile. Career centers are increasingly concerned that students do not understand the consequences of posting questionable material in the public domain -- which may be retrievable by online search engines for years to come -- and are taking steps to educate students. This can even include the "patrolling" of students' online profiles, raising questions about privacy and freedom of speech.
Welcome to Facebook!! Facebook can be a fun, addicting and useful tool while you are at college. Unfortunately there are some people that like to take advantage of the information you put up in your profile. The information below should help you be a safer and smart facebook user! Use your best JUDGEMENT
SOME CHANGES THAT CAN BE MAKE TO BE SAFER! o Change your settings to allow only your friends to see your profile and pictures o Make a conscious effort to not put anything that could be considered self-incriminating…mostly photos. o Be aware of what you post. Just because you can tell everyone every thing about yourself does not mean everyone else who learns about you is thinking of your best interest. o If you think someone may be stalking you or you feel uncomfortable contact Facebook or the police.
CHANGES BEING MADE o Facebook is constantly changing and adding new tools. o Recently they added the status option. Be careful that you are not providing too specific information about where you are. Listing your summer, Thanksgiving, or Holiday Break plans is a good tool for friends from your hometown to see what you are doing when you are home. It is also a good way to let those people you do not want to see when you are home know where you will be. o With the new set up of Facebook, people can see everything that you do so makes sure to hide unwanted events. o Be careful what you write in notes-everyone can read them. o BE GENERAL! o BE CAREFUL!
By: Dani Morgan Resident Assistant Minnesota State University Moorhead