Optimization of adaptive coded modulation schemes for maximum average spectral efficiency H. Holm, G. E. Øien, M.-S. Alouini, D. Gesbert, and K. J. Hole Joint BEATS-Wireless IP workshop Hotel Alexandra, Loen, Norway June 4-6, 2003
Adaptive coded modulation (ACM) Adaptation of transmitted information rate to temporally and/or spatially varying channel conditions on wireless/mobile channels Goal: –Increase average spectral efficiency (ASE) of information transmission, i.e. number of transmitted information bits/s per Hz available bandwidth. Tool: –Let transmitter switch between N different channel codes/modulation constellations of varying rates R 1 < R 2 < … R N [bits/channel symbol] according to estimated channel state information (CSI). ASE (assuming transmission at Nyquist rate) is ASE = R n P n where P n is probability of using code n (n=1,..,N).
Generic ACM block diagram Estimate channel state Wireless channel Demodu- lation and decoding Information streamInformation stream Information about channel state and which code/modula- tion used Information about channel state Adaptive choice of error control coding and modulation schemes according to information about channel state Coded information + pilot symbols
Maximization of ASE Usually: –Codes (code rates) have been chosen more or less ad hoc, and system performance subsequently analyzed for different channel models Now: –For given channel model, we would like to find codes (rates) to maximize system throughput. Approach: –Find approachable upper bound on ASE, assuming capacity- achieving codes available for any rate –Find the optimal set of rates to use –Introduce system margin to account for deviations from ideal code performance
A little bit of information theory For an Additive White Gaussian (AWGN) channel of channel signal-to-noise ratio (CSNR) , the channel capacity C [information bits/s/Hz] is [Shannon, 1948] C = log 2 (1+ ) Interpretation: –For any AWGN channel of CSNR , there exist codes that can be used to transmit information reliably (i.e., with arbitrarily low BER) at any rate R < C. NB: –This result assumes that infinitely long codewords and gaussian code alphabets are available.
Application of AWGN capacity to ACM With ACM, a (slowly) fading channel is in essence approximated by a set of N AWGN channels. Within each fading region n, rates up to the capacity of an AWGN channel of the lowest CSNR - s n - may be used.
ASE maximization, cont’d For a given set of switching levels s 1, s 2, … s N, (an approachable upper bound on) the maximal ASE in ACM (MASA) for arbitrarily low BER is thus MASA = log 2 (1+ ) · s n s n+1 p ( )d where p ( ) is the pdf of the CSNR (e.g., exponential for Rayleigh fading channels). We may now maximize the MASE w.r.t. s = [s 1, s 2, … s N ] by setting s MASA = 0.
Assumptions Wide-sense stationary (WSS) fading, single-link channel. Frequency-flat fading with known probability distribution. AWGN of known power spectral density. Constant average transmit power. Symbol period Channel coherence time (i.e., slow fading). Perfect CSI available at transmitter.
ASE maximization: Rayleigh fading case Maximization procedure leads to closed-form recursive solution (cf. IEEE SPAWC-2003 paper by Holm, Øien, Alouini, Gesbert & Hole for details): –find s 1 –find s 2 as function of s 1 –find s n as function of s n-1 and s n-2 for n=3,…, N. Optimal component code rates can then be found as R 1 =log 2 (1+s 1 ), …, R N = log2(1+s N ).
MASA optimum w.r.t. CSNR level 1
Optimal switching levels for CSNR (N=1,2,4)
Individual optimized information rates (N=1,2,4)
Capacity comparison: AWGN + Rayleigh (N=1,2,4,8)
Probability of “outage”
Extensions and applications (1) Practical codes do not reach channel capacity: –May introduce CSNR margin 0 < < 1 in achievable code rates: Replace log 2 (1+ ) by log 2 (1+ ) [slight, straightforward modification of formulas]. –Other possible approach: Use cut-off rate instead of capacity. [yields performance limit with sequential decoding] Worst-case (over all rates [0,4] bits/s/Hz, at BER 0 = ) theoretical margins for some given codeword lengths n [Dolinar, Divsalar & Pollinara 1998]:
Extensions and applications (2) CSI is not perfect: –Analytical methods exist for adjustment of switching levels to take this into account [done independently of level optimization]. For a Rayleigh fading channel with H receive antennas combined by maximum ratio combining (MRC), we have that barbar Pr ( n p) (p) n ) = Q H ( H n / bar (1- ), H p) n / bar (1- ) ) bar where Q H (x,y) is the generalized Marcum-Q function, bar is the expected CSNR, and the correlation coefficient between true CSNR and predicted CSNR p) This may be exploited to adjust switching levels { (p) n } for p) to obtain any desired certainty for n, given p) (p) n ASE- robustness trade-off]
Extensions and applications (3) True channels are not wide-sense stationary –Path loss and shadowing will imply variations in expected CSNR –May potentially be used for adaptation also with respect to expected CSNR E.g., in cellular systems: Use different code sets (and number of codes) within a cell, depending on distance from user to base station. Rates may also be optimized w.r.t. shadowing and interference conditions. Dividing a cell into M > 1 regions and using N codes per region is better than using MN codes over the whole cell [Bøhagen 2003].
Conclusions We have derived a method for optimization of switching thresholds and corresponding code rates in ACM - to maximize the ASE. Corresponds to “optimal discretization” of channel capacity expression (analogous to pdf-optimization of quantizers). Analytical solution for Rayleigh fading channels. Performance close to Shannon limit for small number of optimal codes (for a given average CSNR). Results can be easily augmented to take implementation losses and imperfect CSI into account. Adaptivity with respect to nonstationary channel models and cellular networks possible. NB: Results do not prescribe a certain type of codes.