Verb Tense Review ESL 051, 052
A. PRESENT TENSES 1. SIMPLE PRESENT: Usage: use simple present for facts (always true, never change) and habits (everyday life, actions that we usually do or don’t do) Examples: 1. The world is round. 2. We attend North Seattle College. 3. I get up at seven every morning.
A. PRESENT TENSES 2. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE/CONTINUOUS: Usage: use present progressive for an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It is a temporary activity that began in the past, is continuing at present, and will probably end at some point in the future. Examples: The students are sitting at their desks right now. I need an umbrella because it is raining. I am taking five courses this semester.
A. PRESENT TENSES 3. PRESENT PERFECT Usage: use present perfect for an activity that started in the past and continues up to now. It is often used with since and for. Examples: Mrs. Oh has been a teacher since 2002. I have lived in Seattle since last May. I have known Rob for 3 years. We met in January 2012.
A. PRESENT TENSES 4. PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE/CONTINUOUS Usage: use present perfect progressive to show how long an activity has been in progress. In other words, it expresses the duration of an activity that started in the past and continues up to the present. Examples: I have been sitting at my desk since seven o’clock. It’s been raining all day. (It’s still raining now.) She has been running for two hours. She must be very tired.
B. PAST TENSES SIMPLE PAST: Usage: use simple past for an event that happened at one particular time in the past. It started and ended in the past. Examples: It snowed yesterday. Tom watched TV last night.
B. PAST TENSES PAST PROGRESSIVE/CONTINUOUS: Usage: use past progressive for a continuous action in the past which is interrupted by another action or a time. Examples: I was taking a bath when the telephone rang. I was walking down the street when it started to rain. At eight o’clock last night, I was studying.
C. FUTURE TENSES SIMPLE FUTURE: Usage: use simple future for an event that has not started yet but will happen in the future. Examples: Melissa will study tomorrow. She’s too tired to study tonight. Mohammed will start his new job next week.