1 Professional Education in the ABC Experimental Delivery Methods in ABC Radio
2 Topics of Discussion Reasons for experimenting with different pedagogies and delivery methods in ABC Radio A specific model we developed Outline research conducted to evaluate the model Conversation about the findings
3 Why try new methods? Poor transfer through classroom training: divorced from work Distance and cost Most learning occurs in the workplace Need to leverage other variables to improve ROI
4 Benefits of CBT Follow-up on training – improving transfer Consistency of outcomes Linked to performance Measurement of ROI Skills snapshot Workplace learning: job competent rather than job ready
5 The Model Self-Directed Learning Guides Electronic Community of Practice Intranet Broadcasters Toolkit Learner selected coach Assessors as adjudicators and coaches RCC/Work-based learning RCC/Work-based learning Learning Model LEARNER
6 Pedagogy Cognitive Apprenticeship Model Authentic activities Access to expert performance Multiple roles and perspectives Collaboration and construction Coaching and scaffolding Reflection and conceptualisation Transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge Integrated assessment
7 Research Learning context Evaluative comments on self-pacing of learning, on-the-job learning, and practice opportunities. Learning content Evaluations of materials: comprehensibility, exercises, comprehensiveness, usefulness, and degree of difficulty. Learning contrasts Comments on selected units: performance versus craft, differences in experience of generating evidence for craft and performance, degree of difficulty in performance versus craft units. Learning Support Evaluations of support, coaching, feedback, electronic community of practice, management support and reinforcement Assessment of Learning Evaluations of assessment processes, assessor role of re-direction and coaching, assessor methods of feedback, assessor method: empowerment versus fault- finding Learning Dynamics Exploration of issues relating to self-direction, learner responsibility, and meta- cognition skills required in flexible learning.
8 Key Results CBT confusing – need for extensive pre- learning consultation on expectations, outcomes, and processes High level of scaffolding needed in initial phases Need for time concessions Self-directed learning readiness low amongst one section of the cohort – higher amongst another section
9 Key Results Team learning environments produced better results Need for bundling/chunking Need for motivational strategy and framing of learning materials in a positive light Just-in-time coaching a key variable in performance units Training package needs de-jargonising
10 Future Aims Managers as learning supervisors Closer alignment of learning to performance Adoption of solutions other than ‘training’ Feedback systems that support competency framework Emphasis on work-based and team learning Multi-delivery platforms Need for a unified WPL pedagogy