ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 1 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering 10 Electrical Engineer’s Salary & Opinions
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 2 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Attribution U.S. Salary and Opinion Survey July 2005 soe_us_2005.ppt
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 3 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Survey Methodology On-line survey Fieldwork dates June 23rd through June 29th, 2005 Sample: EE Times subscribers A total of 2185 useable responses received (margin of error +/- 1.3%) Data analyzed in total and in comparison with 2004 findings (as applicable
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 4 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Type of Jobs for Respondents
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 5 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Job Title for Respondents
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 6 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Respondent Education
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 7 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering $-Compensation Avg EE Salary is over $100k 75% of EE’s got a Raise in 2005
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 8 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Compared to Other Professions * 2006 David Benjamin * EE Times 10/29/2007
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 9 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering HouseHold Income Mean 2005 = $137,380 Mean 2004 = $122,208 60% of ElectricalEngineering HouseHolds have incomes between $100k-$200k $149,999
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 10 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Bonus $-Compensation 2005 (n = 2185)
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 11 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Technical Assignments
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 12 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Embedded System/Processor Any electronic system that uses a CPU chip, but that is not a general-purpose workstation, desktop or laptop computer. Such systems generally use microprocessors, or they may use custom-designed chips or both. They are used in automobiles, planes, trains, aircraft, machine tools, cameras, televisions, printers consumer and office appliances, cellphones, PDAs and other handhelds as well as robots and toys. The uses are endless, and billions of microprocessors are shipped every year for a myriad of applications. Low-cost consumer products can use chips that cost less than a dollar
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 13 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Vacuum Cleaner Control by MCU PPrice for 5000 of the PIC12F510-I/SN unit in the SOIC 150mil pkg 67¢/unit
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 14 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering The Future of EE * Dec08
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 15 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering EE Intrigue * Dec08
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 16 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Engineering Manager Number of People Directly Reporting to the Engineer About 40% of EEs have formal management duties
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 17 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering OnCall 24/7 Requirements About 1/5th of Engineers are OnCall at All Times
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 18 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Vacation Earned & Taken Time Earned Time Taken 2005 (n = 2185) Most Engineers get 3+ Weeks of Vacation per Year
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 19 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Weekly WorkLoad Most Engineers work hours per week
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 20 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Job Satisfaction Only About 1/8 th of Engineers are Job DISsatisfied
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 21 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Professional Satisfaction Satisfaction with Engineering as a Profession 88% of Elect. Engineers Like the Profession
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 22 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Employment Tenure How long have you worked for your present employer? Mean 2005 = 9.2 years
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 23 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Change in Employer Job Stability is Good in General
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 24 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Career Perceptions Engineers are 75% positive
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 25 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Career Concerns/Issues
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 26 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Skills Maintenance Keeping Up-to-Date Technically Every Engineer needs to Work on this for his/her entire career
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 27 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering WorkPlace Changes Engineering is a Dynamic Profession Engineers Need to Adapt-to & Benefit-from Change
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 28 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Engineering Shortages Do you think there’s a shortage of engineers at your company? 38. Do you think there’s a shortage of engineers at your company? Indicates good Job Prospects for Engineers
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 29 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Engineering Shortages * Dec08
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 30 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Leisure – Use of Technology Engineers Like Gadgets like everyone else
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 31 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Home OwnerShip VERY High Home Ownership within the Engineering Profession
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 32 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering AutoMobile OwnerShip Engineers Like Cars too
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 33 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Move Motivation * Dec08
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 34 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Engineers Grade k-12 Schools Engineers Think Elementary and High Schools need Significant Improvement in Science & Math
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 35 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Engineers Grade Universities Universities do Much Better; probably because they can Specialize with Engineering Schools
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 36 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering All Done for Today EE Career Aspirations Dec08
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 37 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering 10 Appendix 2008 survey
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 38 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Leisure Time & $ Allocation Engineers Do the Same Things as EveryBody Else.
ENGR-10_Lec-xx_Chp4_Stat-Profile_EETimes.ppt 39 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering 10: Intro to Engineering Nicole Lewis EE Times 12/15/2008