Jean Piaget Cognitive Theory of Learning Stages of Development
Stages Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Operational Formal Operational
Sensorimotor 0 -2 years of age Blanket and ball study Object permanence
Preoperational 2-7 years Children are directed inward Learn from concrete evidence (have to see it) Only see world from their point of view Cannot think in abstract terms
Preoperational Make-believe play Learn through imaginative play Imitate real life situations Also, explore areas of fright
Preoperational Use of symbols Learn that objects and words can be symbols Stop sign means stop The letter A represents the sound “aye” Their name can be a bunch of letters Words are letters with sound
Preoperational Egocentric viewpoint Think of world in terms of their own thoughts and feelings Everything around them is for them Everyone else feels like them Animism: inanimate objects can have human feelings (toys, stuffed animals)
Preoperational Limited Focus Decisions are made from their perceptions If there are two glasses of water and one is tall and thin it must have more water in it than the short fat one If they come to know a particular item in a particular color or shape it must always be that shape/color
Concrete Operational Conservation Begins to use logic Begins to see others points of view
Formal Operations Manipulate ideas in head Abstract thinking Can imagine outcomes of actions
Equilibrium Learning by experience Assimilation Equilibrium New situation Disequilibrium Accommodation