There are many reasons to why PDHPE is important to everyone and below are a few examples: - Health and Well-being - Develop life skills - Staying active and happy - Develop and improve social skills - Co-operative techniques.
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Unfortunately today’s society children are growing up being so attached to technology inventions like x-box, Facebook, play station etc and they are getting lazy and not participating in physical activities like soccer, tennis etc. Children these days must maintain a strong physical lifestyle. Children must also maintain a healthy eating habit, which include fruit and vegetables. “Health experts agree that all children should engage in more vigorous activity of at least 20 minutes at lest 3 times per week (PDHPE K-6 Syllabus). hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=7vnqveAhR gmjbM:&imgrefurl= vIH4OTTl5x3XM&w=210&h=80&ei=tGuJTpK7Ho-uiQeBn- BG&zoom=1 K-6 PDHPE Syllabus
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