Middle and Late Childhood Body growth Health, illness and disease Children with disabilities Piaget’s theory Information processing Intelligence Language The Self Emotional development Moral development Gender Families Peers Schools
Body Growth and Proportion Proportional changes are among the most pronounced. –Head and waist circumference and leg length decrease in relation to body height. Muscle mass and tone improve. Strength doubles. Weight gain averages 5-7 pounds a year. Increased weight is primarily due to increases in the size of the skeletal and muscular systems, and the size of some organs.
Health, Illness, and Disease Accidents and Injuries Obesity Cancer
Children with Disabilities Who Are Children with Disabilities? Learning Disabilities ADHD Educational Issues
The Law
Piaget’s Theory The Theory Piaget and Education Evaluating Piaget’s Theory
Information Processing Memory Critical Thinking Metacognition
Intelligence and Creativity What Is Intelligence? IQ The Binet Tests The Wechsler Scales Evaluating the Multiple Intelligence Approaches
I.Q. Distribution
Controversies and Issues in Intelligence Ethnicity and Culture The Use and Misuse of Intelligence Tests The Extremes of Intelligence Creativity
Language Development Vocabulary and Grammar Reading Bilingualism
The Self The Development of Self- Understanding Self-Esteem and Self-Concept Industry Versus Inferiority
Emotional Development Developmental Changes Emotional Intelligence
Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory of Moral Development Levels of Moral Development Kohlberg’s Critics Prosocial Behavior and Altruism
Gender Gender Stereotypes Gender Similarities and Differences Gender-Role Classification Gender in Context
Family Issues Parent-Child issues Step-families Latch-key children
Types of Families
Peer Statuses Rejected Children Bullying Social Cognition Friends Peers
The transition to elementary school Socioeconomic status and ethnicity Cross-cultural comparisons of achievement Schools