Why is it important To obtain a job in the future. To know how to raise a family
My inspiration! I want to inspire young children to become excited about learning! They should WANT to learn They should know the MEANING behind what they are learning
Definitions of learning…
Educational Psychology The study of teaching, learning, development… Learning about learning! A young science… “science” was just getting big at the end of the 19 th century philosophy and psychology – the same? Still arguing about what “science” is! psychology, philosophy, politics – all wrapped up together!
Two different frames The “theoretical” frame Behaviorist Cognitive Situative psychology, philosophy, politics all together!
Who agrees with what??
Also, there’s a flow to these frames… Behaviorist- Cognitive- Situative starts with Dewey, Thorndike, Vygotsky Thorndike “wins” Piaget and the “cognitive revolution,” constructivism, etc… Vygotsky “discovered” – situative perspectives Dewey keeps showing up here and there
Behaviorist example: Thorndike Empiricist associated with associationist, behaviorist theory learning is forming associations transfer is direct OUT of the head – behavior ONLY
Cognitive example: Piaget Rationalist associated with cognitive, constructivist, information-processing theory learning is cognitive growth, formation of conceptual structures IN the head
Situative example: Dewey, Vygotsky Pragmatic/Marxist (and much else…) Associated with pragmatism, situative, socio-cultural, socio- historical, cultural-historical, distributed cognition, situated cognition, legitimate peripheral participation, etc… learning is enculturating, expanding possibilities for perception and action OUT of and IN the head Culture Distributed cognitions Internalization
Now, back to the beginning… Looking again at my definition of “learning” My definition of learning is Cognitive!