C OVER L ETTER - G UIDELINES One page rule - summarise using a clear, concise writing style Keep it simple - Use plain fonts, keep font sizes between 10 and 12 point, do not use graphics Spacing - Use plenty of white space to give your cover letter a lift, and use blank lines between paragraphs Spelling mistakes - read it carefully before sending, ask someone to proof-read
C OVER L ETTER - G UIDELINES Right language – Don’t be too pushy Don’t use negative statements Don’t overuse the word ‘I Don’t reveal too much Don’t use too many big words Don’t be fake
C OVER L ETTER -G UIDELINES Don’t handwrite – handwritten letters do not look professional Focusing on the employer - why the company is special and how you can add value to the company’s business Keep your salary a secret
C OVER L ETTER – CONTENT & FORMAT Introduction -start your cover letter with the essential information: Your contact details Date Salutation Subject line Reason for establishing contact
C OVER L ETTER – CONTENT & FORMAT Body - second and third paragraphs are the body of your cover letter Reason for joining the company Reasons for leaving current job Reasons for pitching for the job Highlight your achievements Confess any career gaps
C OVER L ETTER - CONTENT & FORMAT Conclusion – wrap up, outline next actions Outlining the next steps of the process Ensuring you’re contactable Signing off
R ESUME `- G UIDELINES Instant gratification – important information first Be dynamic – Replicate the skills and attitudes listed in the job advertisement Make it easy to read with headlines and bullet points Put positive personality traits into the first part of your resume (if possible)
R ESUME `- G UIDELINES Keywords – See what type of terminology recruiters are using Find ways to incorporate the key words into your resume If no relevant experience, make sure your subjects are listed
R ESUME `- C AREER CHANGE / NO EXPERIENCE Challenge - how to promote yourself in your resume while disguising the fact you have no experience If you’ve had a dramatic career change, consider using a skills-based resume You may include a career objective to advise the recruiter of your career intentions and clarify your future career goals. Participating in networking activities
R ESUME `- C AREER CHANGE / NO EXPERIENCE Finding a mentor Highlighting your transferable skills Make a list of all transferable skills Find out what skills are required for the job you’re applying Tick off any transferable skills that match to the job Select skill headings that relate to the job
R ESUME `- C AREER CHANGE / NO EXPERIENCE Undertake some voluntary work Compose a cover letter outlining the reasons for your move Identify and highlight your skills Recognise every skill you have Consider your personal attributes Stay up-to-date with industry trends
R ESUME `- C AREER CHANGE / NO EXPERIENCE Determine what makes you unique Identify and match your education to the job requirement Aim for a strong skills fit
R ESUME `- DOS DO outline your educational achievements at the front. "If it's at the back, it looks like you have none” DO present your career path by including dates (years only), the title of each role, achievements and a description of the company DO include other relevant information, such as involvement in not-for-profit or industry groups.
R ESUME `- DON ' TS DON'T include an interests section, unless you are seeking to entertain DON'T miss important details DON'T post your application rather than it.
I NTERVIEW B ASICS You should know about the specific job, the company advertising it and its industry or profession know your strengths and how they would benefit both position and company know your weaknesses ! Consider ways to demonstrate how you plan on developing present weaknesses into future strengths for yourself and others
I NTERVIEW B ASICS know particular skills you possess, e.g. previous experience in the area, languages, computing, language skills [written & verbal]; your expectations from the interview consider questions that may be asked work out appropriate answers, know how your strengths apply to these situations
I NTERVIEW B ASICS Work out how you will respond to questions you consider inappropriate or uncomfortable Be willing to ask questions. Make sure they are specific and relevant.
I NTERVIEW - P RESENTATION, PRESENTATION, P RESENTATION Never be late Ensure dress and appearance are appropriate for the position and company concerned Appearance is as important as dress Make sure all electronic items are off Be yourself. Have a professional attitude Speak clearly
I NTERVIEW - P RESENTATION, PRESENTATION, P RESENTATION Don’t speak too loudly Don’t use foul language or slang Speak at normal pitch and pace with emphasis on those aspects you want to be certain are heard and understood If you are not certain what is being asked, seek clarification before answering
I NTERVIEW - P RESENTATION, P RESENTATION, P RESENTATION Think about body language Maintain eye contact with all members of a panel, no matter how many Exude quiet confidence at all times When the interview is complete, take the opportunity to thank the panel and indicate you look forward to hearing from them
S OME L INKS Good/Bad Interview vsr Phone Interviews: Telephone-Interview-and-Get-the-Job =related Job Interviews: lated related