Workplace Writing “Writing on the job”. What is it? Done as part of a job, usually in an office setting Usually communicates details about a particular.


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Presentation transcript:

Workplace Writing “Writing on the job”

What is it? Done as part of a job, usually in an office setting Usually communicates details about a particular job or project Features organized and accurately conveyed information Clearly defined sections Enough blank space for easy reading

Letters Business Letters Formal letter written to, from, or within a business Can be written to make requests, express concerns, or show approval Follow a strict format Friendly Letters Letter to communicate between friends, family, or acquaintances

Memos Short documents written from one member of an organization to another or a larger group

s “Electronic mail” and a form of electronic memo Very common

Forms Asks for specific information to be completed in a particular format Applications, emergency contact forms, tax forms, etc.

Instructions Used to explain how to complete a task or procedure Provide clear step-by-step guidelines Recipes, user manuals, class assignments, etc.

Résumés An overview of a person’s experience and qualifications for a job Lists a person’s job skills, education, and work history

Applications College Applications Documents that ask for personal information and details about someone’s educational background Used to determine whether or not to accept a student into a particular college Job Applications Requires a person to list work experience and educational background Part of the hiring process

Speeches Giving a presentation or speech before an audience Informative: Used to explain an idea, a process, an object, or an event Persuasive: Used to get your listeners to agree with your position or to take some action Entertaining: Used to offer listeners something to enjoy or to amuse them Extemporaneous: Used for impromptu occasions (informal and don’t require preparation)