Washington State Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project Preparing Educators for Rater Agreement and Sustainability: Planning for Professional Learning
Face-to-Face Sessions Student Growth 2.0 Rater Agreement Practices TPEP/ Washington State Learning Standards Connections A Virtual Presentation Sharing Electronic Resources 2 TPEP Sessions for
Today’s Agenda Learning Targets 3 Welcome Back! Review of Rater Agreement Examples of Practice Kelso and Vancouver Implementing: Sustaining through Professional Growth Lunch Team Planning I can describe the OSPI working definition of rater agreement and the stages of development. I can explain practices that support high quality professional learning processes for teachers, principals and district offices staff to support quality feedback and rater agreement. I can describe our district’s plan to create sustainable practice and maximize rater agreement.
Pausing Paraphrasing Posing Questions Putting Ideas on the Table Providing Data Paying Attention to Self and Others Presuming Positive Intentions Group Norms 4
Professional learning is the underpinning of the evaluation system. TPEP Core Principles 5
Learning – A Review I can describe the OSPI working definition of rater agreement and the stages of development. 6
Learning Content: OSPI Stages of Rater Agreement 10
Once we reach Stage 3, we do not “graduate.” Rater agreement is NOT ensured by a single training or certification test. We must revisit and review key learnings from Stage 1 and Stage 2 to avoid drift. Provide ongoing professional development including ongoing calibration conversations involving real-life or video-based observation. Continuous Improvement Process: 11
12 OSPI Stages of Rater Agreement IndividuallyDistrict Teams Read/ Review : “Rater Agreement in Washington State’s Evaluation System” 1.Highlight/underline key points that confirms your understanding or challenges your understanding of Rater Agreement. 2.Note questions you may have. Create District Chart: 1.Questions you have. 2.What is taking place in your district that can be applied to the overarching roles and responsibilities chart (page 2)?
Short Break Time Post your District Chart and Move to Job Alike Groups! 13 See you in 7 minutes
Synthesize, Apply and Connect I can explain practices that support high quality professional learning processes for teachers, principals and district offices staff to support sustainability, quality feedback and rater agreement.. 14
Overarching Roles and Responsibilities Notes Organizer During Presentation/Job Alike Conversations Gather Examples of Practice: District Office Principal Teachers 15 Suggested Structure for Collecting Examples of Practice
Sharing in Job Alike: What ideas does this example and the strategies shared spark for your district plans to support your work? What will you bring back to your district team that could be added to your plan for rater agreement and sustainability? 16
Short Break Time Return to Job Alike Groups! 17 See you in 7 minutes
18 Sharing in Job Alike: What ideas does this example and the strategies shared spark for your district plans to support your work? What will you bring back to your district team that could be added to your plan for rater agreement and sustainability?
Implementing I can describe our district’s plan to create sustainable practice and maximize rater agreement. Return to District Teams with Chart from This Morning 19
Content Culture Rater Agreement Data *as a result of Rater Agreement District Planning Tool Areas of Rater Agreement Includes: 20 Rater Agreement/Sustainability Reflection Tool
Instructional Framework Specialist Recruitment OSPI – Due February 9 th Information on OSPI TPEP files/cffs/icffs/ files/cffs/icffs/ Learning-focused Supervision; Books Available Sustainability Resources 21
Add to Chart: What did we learn from others today that we might apply to the conversations/activities/protocols in our district? District Group Share: Identify/share something that is going well and share an area of focus for your district? Activity : District Team 22
Take a few minutes and create at least three sticky notes for the Stop/Start/Continue Chart on your way out. Stop: What didn’t work in this session? What should not be included in the future? Start: What didn’t happen that should have in this session? What should be planned for future sessions? Continue: What worked well and should be continued in future sessions like this? 23 Debrief StopStartContinue
24 LUNCH! Clock Hours: Instructor: ESD112 Staff “Regional Learning Network Session” VAD Hours Thank you!