COUNSELING OFFICE Miss Mehlos A-G Mrs. MitichH-O Ms. Rodenkirch P-Z Secretary/Registrar Mrs. Morrison
L ETTER OF R ECOMMENDATION LOR Spend time to secure quality, appropriate letters Senior Profile May require an electronic submission or mailed directly by writer. This is not your parent’s job Do not “Shop” for letters Allow at least 2 weeks Ask in writing, give details and provide additional information Minimally a handwritten thank you to the teacher Remember they can be updated electronically!
STEP I B EGIN WITH THE SENIOR PROFILE Located on the AHS Website, the Naviance Welcome page or in the Counseling Office Designed to help the writer do the best job possible Ensures that the pieces match May be customized for each person you ask
STEP 2 A SKING FOR A L ETTER Allow a minimum of two weeks Always minimally provide a Senior Profile May provide resume, transcript (printed as PDF Parchment), activities page, special notes, etc. Minimally a hand-written thank you note Specific instructions/points Colleges generally like to see letters from academic teachers that you have currently or had recently. However if an elective teacher connects to your proposed major, it may be appropriate.
STEP 3 H OW IS IT SENT ? Some universities (including the Common Application) require it electronically May send directly to admissions with DOB and/or student I.D. Scholarships may require it physically attached Read the specifics
NOTES N O S HOPPING If you don’t need a letter, don’t ask for a letter Two is typical Google document available to staff to record student letters Sample driven Cookie cutters
COMMON APPLICATION Complete Senior Profile – Located on the website Give Senior Profile to Counselor and others writing LOR – may customize! Complete and submit Transcript Release Form and $5.00 to Counseling Office
SCHOLARSHIPS AND THE LOR Again…this is not your parents’ job! All scholarships are sent by student NOT by the Counseling Office. This is different than your application Most require at least one LOR For scholarships, the coach, advisor, etc. may be appropriate