Project Steering Committee Thursday, August 15, 2013 Co-Chairpersons:Clint Hinman Michelle Ziemba
AGENDA Communication Project Status Training Vendor list hand-off Technical Dress Rehearsal Risk/Change Management Summary 1
COMMUNICATION Importance of communicating Steering Committee items to staff 2
PROJECT SNAPSHOT 3 Prior Week –Integrated testing round 1 test –90 day go-live readiness assessment Current Week –Integrated testing round 1 fix –Parallel revenue testing round 1 –Content build complete deadline Next Week –Integrated testing round 2 test (SME involvement)
TRAINING REGISTRATION Tracking Training Compliance –Right people assigned to supervisor? –Assigned the right courses based on their role? –People registered for their courses? –People have completed their courses? 1.HealthStream – always most up-to-date (real time) 2.Internet report – extracted once per day from HealthStream 3. How to register for a course: 1.Attend training registration lab 2.Call registration line Directly in HealthStream – coming soon 4.Internet registration form – coming soon 4
TRAINING PLAYGROUND To access the Hyperspace –Click on PLY2 on a UAHN Desktop –PLY2 on the citrix site: PLY2 is set up to use the same log ins and patients used in training, so save the training materials from class. Access difficulties –If you have any trouble logging into Citrix, please contact the Help Desk. –If you have lost your login and/or have trouble logging into the training environment itself, then you’ll need to contact the trainer who taught your class to request that information. 5
UAHN SUPERUSER PROGRAM Registration for back-up support Manager to help ensure they meet qualifications –Complete training –2 hr superuser special training –Assist in 4 classes Superuser preparation for BIG BANG!! –How many do you have? –What is the schedule? –Is there a gap between need and have? 6
USER PREPAREDNESS Classroom Training Beyond the Classroom Training Activation (Go-live) Support 7
CLASSROOM TRAINING Need supervisor review of reports and data –Must validate their employees have gone through all necessary classroom training –Must validate they have passed the exam –If staff are in need of training they need to get them into classroom training ASAP Classroom offerings extended into September pending identified need 8
BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Activities –Workflow preview sessions, walk-in labs, scheduled labs, peer-to-peer demos and Q&A sessions, customization/personalization labs Resources – beg, steal, borrow….buy –Dedicated contractors (MD and other) –Super users –MITC physicians –Unit based educators –Clinic nurse managers –Trainers and analysts Where –Standing meetings and committees –Ad hoc sessions, department sign-up –Labs; dedicated physician resource center on both campuses –Training rooms, auditorium, physician lounge, cafeteria… 9
TECHNICAL DRESS REHEARSAL In progress and work stations and equipment is being validated. Green and Red dots Signage on critical downtime operations computers DO NOT MOVE EQUIPMENT If there are areas that appear not to be served or linked to down time PC in your physical location please contact Breda Adams 10
GO-LIVE SUPPORT Executive governance support Operational leadership involvement Determination of required support for successful activation (eg. 1:5-8) At-elbow support –Superusers –Application analysts –Epic vendor support –Consultant resources Issue management system Command Centers and deployment teams 11
VENDOR LIST OWNERSHIP Need Steering Committee involvement in identification of vendors needing access into the system –Forward list of vendors and system need to Phyllis Siverhus, UAHN Training Project Manager –Review by Corporate Security Officer –Eventual formal request through CARS 12
RISK/CHANGE MANAGEMENT Involvement of Risk Management, Compliance, and Legal in multiple areas of the project Change management process within the project for system build and close collaboration with the existing ISS team for current environment Activation risks being identified and evaluated based on institutional knowledge and other customer experience through risk registry Third party review by Epic outside project team to assess application status and provide risk reports to project team articulating areas of risk and severity. 13