ESW 7 – NENA ICE Testing NG9-1-1 Interoperability Testing −Background -Need -Response: NENA-sponsored NG9-1-1 Interop Testing −NENA Industry Collaboration Events(ICE) -What is ICE? -Program Benefits -Program Highlights -ICE Governance/Organization −Overview of ICE-1 −Overview of ICE-2 −Architecture & Interfaces −Future ICE Topics For Further Information
NG9-1-1 Interop Testing - Background The transition to NG9-1-1 is a complicated thing −Many stakeholders; government, industry, standards development organizations (SDOs) −Will of necessity be multi-vendor −Legal, funding, standards progress of little import if equipment, software and systems do not interoperate as planned −Limited testing on case-by-case, customer-by-customer, vendor-by-vendor has taken place, however… −Common interoperability test program, with level playing field for all to test, learn, and further develop accordingly, is needed NENA recognized need to provide such an environment −Industry Collaboration Events (ICE) grew out of NENA NG Partner Program −NENA established ICE to: -…create an environment where all vendors can test with other vendors efficiently, cost effectively, and on a level playing field
What is ICE? Industry Collaboration Events A series of events held under the auspices of NENA, organized by a representatives from all stakeholder groups, that will allow vendors of Next Generation products to develop and test the interoperability of their systems with those from other vendors.
ICE Program Benefits For Vendors: −Provide a convenient, cost-effective, & safe forum for vendors to test and develop with other vendors For Customers: −Reduce implementation risks & achieve NG9-1-1 benefits – Gain Confidence For the NG9-1-1 transition: −Promote a consistent, nationwide, open, standards-based implementation
ICE Program Highlights Completely voluntary Guided by a steering committee with representatives from all stakeholder groups ICE1 focused on the core of the NG9-1-1 network (i.e. i3) −Upcoming ICE2 dedicated to testing transition elements Based on the standards work being done in NENA, ATIS/ESIF, IETF, TIA and other SDOs ICE1 took place the w/o November 2, 2009 at Texas A&M −ICE2 is scheduled for w/o May 24, AT&T, Irving, TX ICE is intended to be a multi-step series of events: −Future ICE event themes tentatively set (see NENA website) −Envisioned as ongoing NG9-1-1 interoperability test program −Next ICE (ICE-8) dedicated to recording & logging technologies
ICE Governance & Organization To guide and oversee the ICE process, NENA established the ICE Steering Committee (SC) −Steering Committee made up of stakeholders from a broad cross section of the industry. −Policy setting body for ICE events: content, frequency, goals, participant invitation, etc. To further manage event SC in turn created two operational committees: −The Event Planning Committee -Charged with managing all aspects of planning and conducting the event. -Composed solely of representatives of companies that have agreed to participate in the initial event −The Data Gathering and Reporting Committee -Charged with capturing important outcomes from the event and reporting the data out to government buyers, consultants, standards development -Committee is open to anyone that wishes to participate This organizational setup was reviewed after ICE-1 for effectiveness and retained, for now
Overview of ICE-1 Date/Location: −November 2- 5, 2009 −Texas A&M University ITEC Lab, College Station, TX Scope: −Both bilateral and multi-vendor test scenarios were run: -Each with a defined architecture and list of vendor participants -Testing call flow and interface standards −Focused on NG9-1-1 components; transition & legacy interfaces postponed to ICE-2 Data gathered/reporting focused in two areas: −Gathered data regarding the status of underlying standards −Gathered data regarding the interfaces that were tested External reporting limited: −Information about the state of standards was made available to all affected standards development organizations −In addition, a summary of the event was made generally available
ICE-1 – Elements Tested Intelligent End Point (NG-capable SIP client) Access Network (Legacy or VoIP) NG9-1-1 Network (e.g. ESRP) NG9-1-1 Databases −Location Information Server (LIS) −LoST Server (Emergency Call Routing Function, ECRF) NG9-1-1 PSAP Border Control Function (BCF) Logging Services – ICE-1 will focus on Voice recording. Master Clock source- Interface Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Mapping Services/GIS
Overview of ICE-2 Date/Location: −May 24 – 27, 2010 −AT&T Center for Learning, Irving, TX Scope: −Bilateral and multi-vendor test scenarios will be run: -Each with a defined architecture and list of vendor participants -Testing call flow and interface standards −Focused on transition & legacy interfaces and equipment -Two separate scenarios, dedicated to different transition architectures/standards –Scenario 1: NENA i3 transition elements –Scenario 2: ATIS RFAI transition elements Data to gathering/reporting approach similar to ICE-1 External reporting will continue to be limited, as in ICE-1
ICE-2 – Elements Tested Same elements as in ICE-1, with a few additions, specific to transition: −Legacy Network Gateways (including subcomponents) -PIF, LIF, NIF −Legacy PSAP Gateways −IP Selective Router (Scenario 2) −Legacy Selective Router Gateways (Scenario 2)
ICE-1 – Architecture & Interfaces
ICE-2 – Architecture & Interfaces Scenario 1
ICE-2 – Scope of Call Handling Tests
Overview of Future ICE Topics ICE 3 - Location Related Issues ICE 4 - Call Routing Based on LoST Hierarchy ICE 5 - Emergency Services for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community ICE 6 - Individual NG9-1-1 Element Testing ICE 7 - Supplemental Data ICE 8 - Recording and Logging Devices These events may overlap or be held in non-numerical sequence
Questions or Follow-Up: −Contact Ray Paddock -Secretary to ICE Steering Committee -(303) ICE-1 Public Information Packet can be found here: − 1%20Industry%20Collaboration%20Event%20overview%20document. pdfhttp:// 1%20Industry%20Collaboration%20Event%20overview%20document. pdf ICE-2 Public Information Packet in preparation For Further Information