AASHTO Subcommittee on Construction Burlington, Vermont Tuesday, August 17 th, 2010 Tom Ravn
Manages all aspects of the Agency’s external civil rights and labor compliance activities – DBE & TGB Goals – OJT Goals – Contract Clearance & Good Faith Efforts – Prevailing Wages – Compliance with Federal Regulations and Federal & Legislative Reporting 2
Unified data base o One source of data input o Reduces duplication of data entry o Improves accuracy of data o Reduction in data management o Addresses the increasing number of data requests by the public Web Based Technology – External Access o Simplifies deployment to Mn/DOT, cities, counties, and contractors Allows for centralization and standardization of contract information such as item list, vendor list, federal reporting Cutting edge technology used to build application
Early 2000 Mn/DOT developed initial requirements April 2005 solicitation went out to all states 2006 twelve states agreed to participate in developing wT CRLMS 2007 wT CRLMS development began January 2009 Mn/DOT’s Beta Testing team formed May 2009 Customized wT CRLMS to meet Mn/DOT’s business processes Spring 2010 Migrated the following into wT CRLMS Federal reporting data State Aid’s open federally funded projects Created an accurate Master Vendor list The Unified Certification Program report/directory is now generated from the wT data base Summer 2010 A 2 nd Beta Testing team formed
September 2010 – February 2011 o Beta Test wT CRLMS Version 2.01 March 2011 o Production Release of wT CRLMS Version 2.01 Late Spring 2011 o Pilot Projects o Internal Pilot Project with a Mn/DOT District Office o External Pilot Project with contractors September 2010 – February 2011 o Develop Support Plan o Develop Training Materials Fall 2011 o Interface with Mn/DOT’s financial management systems o Phased implementation plan
Materials ◦ There are at least six User Groups of wT each with some unique use of the system External Users - Contractors Civil Rights - Staff Labor Compliance - Staff Pre Construction & Pre Letting - Staff Letting Pre-Approval - Staff District Project Staff & Other Mn/DOT Offices ◦ Manuals, quick reference guides and computer based training materials will be developed for the needs of each User Group Delivery ◦ Options Classroom E-Learning
Standard process for all contractors to follow Standard set of payroll rules for all projects Few to no paper payrolls process to notify the prime of payroll problems Early detection of labor issues before they become large problems
Ready access to data from procurement and construction functions Improves and ensures monitoring and reporting of civil rights and labor compliance requirements to the Federal Government and other interested parties External Access will allow contractors to provide data electronically Data analysis for goal setting and disparity studies Automated EEO reporting from data provided in Contractor’s payrolls