Celebrations These are some of the special days we celebrate in England. When do you have celebrations?
Christmas Christmas is a time we all celebrate at December the 25 th. There is somebody called Saint Nick. Who delivers presents to children that are good. Jesus was born on Christmas day so that’s why we celebrate Christmas. Santa is a real person who is really old. Christmas is a joyful day. We sing at Christmas lots of carols. Santa has a reindeer that has a red nose called Rudolf. Jesus made Christianity and Christmas. Santa works hard at Christmas because he delivers presents at Christmas.
Bonfire Night Bonfire night is when people remember Guy Fawkes for trying to blow up Parliament 100 of years ago. People remember Guy Fawkes by setting off firework’s, eating hot dog’s and burning thing’s on a fire
Easter Easter We celebrate Easter in April or March. It is a Christian Festival to remind us when Jesus died. On Easter Sunday, if we are lucky, we receive chocolate Easter eggs and sometimes gifts from the Easter Bunny.
HARVEST FESTIVAL In Autumn we celebrate a Harvest festival.A harvest festival is when we give food to people.A harvest festival is when we grow food to give to people because they are poor.
Mother’s Day Mother’s Day is a special day, when you give your mother thanks for looking after you by giving her lots of nice presents, as well as lots of love! One of the things you can do is to give her breakfast in bed. You can also give her chocolates, nice gifts, and all of your love in the whole wide world! You can save up your love for her on this special day. This day is usually celebrated in March, on a Sunday.
Remembrance Sunday Remembrance Sunday happens once a year on the 11 November at 11 o’clock we have two minuets silence. In school we sell red poppies that everyone wears to remember all the people who have lost their lives in all the wars. If you go to Brownies or Cubs you take part in a parade through the place where you live to the memorial where the people who died have their name.
You only have 1 birthday each year. If you're born on the 29 th February you are classed as 1 st of march. You birthday is the day you where born. We celebrate with our family and friends. Sometimes we have a party or go bowling. Also we have a special cake with candles on. If you are nine, you have nine candles. We sing Happy Birthday to you before we blow the candles out Birthdays
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