STATUS OF DAQ PROJECT OPERA collaboration meeting, Hamburg, 3-5 June, ’04 J.Marteau  T.T. LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLIES  NETWORK, RACKS & CABLING  PT DAQ.


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Presentation transcript:


 TT LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLIES POWER SUPPLIES COST : 2 options can be considered  OPTION A : 1 output (  ) for 4 boards (i.e. per corner) offers / SM : 72keuros to 110keuros (SCHROFF, M.E.S., CAEN, WIENER) remark 1 : CAEN offered a special 24% discount which is over now remark 2 : WIENER could align its price on the one of CAEN  OPTION B : 1 output (  ) for 16 boards (i.e. per TT plane)  ex. WIENER PL6021 F8-12 : 6 modules with (+) & (-) outputs, max. 23A/output  1 module/plane remote control & monitoring for each module TCP/IP or CANbus interface 6 crates / SM 1 air ventilation for 5 crates  6500euros/crate euros/fan unit  offer / SM : 39keuros  delivery : weeks, prototype available in 4 weeks  meeting in Lyon 08 June with Wiener representatives 2 racks / SM

 OPTION A :  we made the proposal to put small switches in the TTplane corners, which is an economical but risky option (absence of monitoring, long term stability of the small commercial switches…)  cost / SM : 16 keuros  OPTION B :  we have contact with network specialists who advise to replace these small corner switches with more reliable 24&48 ports switches that can be monitored and to take custom bundle cables.  for 1 SM : 12 switches 48 ports, 3 switches 24 ports  CISCO systems : 2295euros & 1191euros (IN2P3 34% discount)  cost / SM (estimate) : 21 keuros (including discount, 32 keuros otherwise)  NETWORK, RACKS & CABLING

48 T.T. DAQ P.T. DAQ RPC-XPC- VETO Manager / Admin. 48 DB Internet 48 1Gbits link 100 Mbits link Level 0 network Level 1 network Admin. network Public network 24 adm. TT DAQ 2 P.T. DAQ RPC DAQ VLAN admin. VLAN 0 VLAN 3 VLAN 4 VLAN 1 VLAN 2

main power supply racks each corner redistributes to 4 electronic boards after filtering  NETWORK, RACKS & CABLING : TT low voltage distribution

All the cables (power supplies & ethernet) will run along the end-caps in 1 large & 1 small cable trays The connection « platine » is being designed with the Cymantec company. 1st prototype ready. We will define the cable lengths etc on Wall 1 mounted in Strasbourg  NETWORK, RACKS & CABLING : TT Ethernet distribution

CONTROL ROOM :  A control room will be located behind the last magnet (2 barracks of 2m*3m on top of each other).  The control room will host DAQ and remote Slow Control & monitoring. RACKS DISTRIBUTION :  RPCs require 16 racks in total.  Magnets require 1 rack for power supplies on each side / SM, to be located in the middle of the magnet, with a total clearance of 1.7m.  PTs require 6 racks in total. It has been agreed that these racks could be located in the middle of the platform (to be checked w.r.t. the temperature). Details about the racks occupancy have to be provided. 1 slot (1U) has to be left for the PT network switch.  TT need 8 racks in total. They are located only on 1 side (wall side).  In total 30 racks are needed and should be available from MACRO (to be checked).  A cable tray of ~0.5m will collect the cables from the back of the racks. GENERAL SKETCH FOR RACKS ORGANIZATION : see next slide. (assuming standard rack dimensions : ~0.6m width, ~1.8m height)  NETWORK, RACKS & CABLING

C.R.1 C.R max Spectro.2 T.T.2 Spectro.1 T.T.1 RPC magnet P.T. racks Cable tray Wall side Corridor side  NETWORK, RACKS & CABLING

 NETWORK, RACKS & CABLING : RPC crates 27 crates / spectrometer

 NETWORK, RACKS & CABLING : RPC racks (odd) 1740mm = 39 U

 NETWORK, RACKS & CABLING : RPC racks (even) Switch required close to controller crates


 PT DAQ DEVELOPMENTS TDC 1 Common STOP Select chip Mezzanine : readout sequence zero suppress trigger timestamps Clock RJ45 16 bits BUS : signal 6 bits BUS : control TDC 2 TDC 12 TDC 11 VME board DESIGN OF TDC BOARD, including the Ethernet Mezzanine with MSC company (meeting in April). Collaboration of M.Braueur.

TRIGGER STRATEGY (see also talk by M.Braueur)  Trigger input (common TDC stop) : OR of 2 nearby (X)RPC planes  Trigger rate : around 14 kHz  Data flow : 16 bits / channel  16 * 96 * 14 k = 22 Mbits / s / TDC board (max. 100 Mbits / s)  possible reduction with zero suppress : typically 3 Mbits / s assuming 3 noisy channels per board  still leads to 125 Mbits / s on the PT DAQ PC Being close to the limit, we need the trigger strategy (including XPC & VETO) to be studied in more details (e.g. OR of N1 planes & OR of N2 planes) in terms of rates, efficiencies, hardware setting…  PT DAQ DEVELOPMENTS

SLOW CONTROL & MONITORING :  Hardware setup :  HV modules (CAEN SY2527, ethernet CAEN protocol)  crates (CAN bus)  T sensors (CAN bus)  Gas system (dedicated PC)  2-3 PCs to be connected with the DAQ Manager  Software : we agreed to use CORBA for communication with DAQ Manager :  some libraries already exist for these applications  also used by BMM (Brick Manipulator Manager)  M.Braueur start to work on it & to compile the libraries Since most the items (hardware & software) are common to PT & RPC, we should optimize the work & avoid double developments :  combine the purchase of e.g. racks & crates (also for easier maintenance)  adopt the same software environment  PT DAQ DEVELOPMENTS

BUDGET :  Update of the DAQ budget performed and submitted to IN2P3 (meeting 09 June)  New procedure for the public markets (January ’04) entering into application now MEZZANINE BOARDS PRODUCTION :  A serious bug has been discovered (and confirmed by AXIS) recently, concerning the RESET input on some MCM chips. This bug is not fixed by AXIS (not even in the upgraded version of the chip)  This requires a new version for the mezzanine (prototype+serie) which prevents us to have the complete TT electronics ready for the 1st 12 walls installation. CAMEROP BOARDS PRODUCTION :  Final version now under tests  2 Pre-series available (4+36 boards) to be used for tests & calibration  Next serie (this summer) to be installed on the 1st 12 TT walls (mezzanines will be plugged later on the CAMEROP boards : less painful solution to avoid delays). CONCLUSIONS (I)

REQUEST : work could be easier if we could use F/E boards & LED pulsers (when it is possible to pick-up samples from the production batches) RPC MEZZANINES (strongly required) :  dedicated software version (VHDL & CORBA) needs to be developed  a copy of the VME motherboard (+ F/E emulator) has been asked in order to speed up developments and tests PT TDC BOARDS : not on the critical path for the moment. SOFTWARE :  CORBA software is improving constantly (1st versions debugged w.r.t. memory leaks)  The TTsensor / TTdaq processes defined with omniORB libraries  Automatic board tests program using the CORBA software  Start the tests with large number of boards connected (equivalent to 1 TT wall). CONCLUSIONS (II)