FACS 56 life management eating well
eating well eating well is a matter of knowing and applying nutritional information by knowing about the nutritional value of food, we can: begin to understand research on weight and health maximize our economic resources—15-20% expand our human resources how does it expand our human resources?
six essential nutrients all foods contain one or more nutrients carbohydrates protein fat vitamins minerals water can we live without one or more of these nutrients?
six essential nutrients carbohydrates provide energy for the body—particularly the brain & nervous system
six essential nutrients protein primary importance for growth and maintenance of bodily systems also vital in tissue repair insufficient protein is rare in the typical American diet
six essential nutrients fat provide concentrated store of energy insulation for the body also assist in the utilization of some vitamins too much fat in the diet is linked with heart disease and obesity unsaturated—liquid at room temperature saturated—solid at room temperature cholesterol—fatty acid; reduce in diet if at risk for heart disease
six essential nutrients vitamins provide trace amounts of elements essential for life and growth vitamins A,D, and K—mobilized by fat & essential for healthy bones & teeth vitamin C—cannot be produced by body & must be eaten daily holds cells together, helps you resist infection, keeps teeth & gums healthy B vitamins allow body to utilize protein & carbohydrates
six essential nutrients minerals provide trace elements essential for strong bones & teeth, healthy muscles and blood & nerves assist in formation of many enzymes and hormones
six essential nutrients water found in every cell of the body ESSENTIAL for transporting other nutrients & for waste removal regulates body temperature cushions and lubricates parts of the body recommended that we drink 64-ounces “8 glasses” per day in addition to what we eat
the food guide pyramid
grains—provide complex carbohydrates & fibers (6-11) vegetables—contain specific vitamins & minerals and fiber (3-5) fruits—also contain specific vitamins & minerals and fiber (2-3) milk—provides calcium, vitamin D, protein & fat (3-4) meat—major source of protein; select lowest-fat versions of these foods (2-3) what about the yellow slice of the pyramid?
how much food for me number of servings in each category depends upon age, size & activity level the same factors affect the caloric level needed to maintain your current weight SERVING SIZES?
how much food for me
selecting healthy foods Dietary Guidelines: 1.Eat a variety of foods daily. 2.Maintain a healthy weight. 3.Choose a diet low in fat and cholesterol. 4.Choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and grain products. 5.Use sugars in moderation. 6.Use salt and sodium in moderation. 7.If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.
participation activity: learning about labels refer to pgs ,6 in your text for more specifics select a food label from the labels provided in class and complete the worksheet on pg. 126 using the information on the label
participation activity: learning about labels
homework: Compare Your Food Intake …refer to page 121 for complete instructions