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Presentation transcript:

DON’T FORGET TO PUT THE DATE, QUESTION, & ANSWER FOR BELL WORK DON’T FORGET TO PUT THE DATE, QUESTION, & ANSWER FOR BELL WORK! DRAW A LINE UNDER TODAY’S WORK WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED Bell Work, August 18 1. Start a new page of loose- leaf notebook paper for this week and answer in complete sentences: What is one difference between archaeology and anthropology? What is one similarity between the two? 2. When you finish your bell work, take out the timeline activity that is due today.

Objectives & Essential Questions Can I describe the types of evidence that historians use? Can I explain the importance of learning history?

Agenda Bell Work Objective Write in agenda Word Wall Discuss & review timeline activity Chapter 1, Section 2 (read & graphic organizer) Exit Ticket

ISN Table of Contents: 1. Word Wall words, 1st Quarter pg. 5-8 Plagiarize Primary source Secondary source Point of view Bias Scholarly Credentials Conclusion URL (.gov, .edu, .org) Evidence Archaeology Artifact Paleontology Fossil Anthropology Species Data Ode Mosaic Decade Saint Gladiator Vault Integral Reform

Exit Ticket What is the difference between a primary source and a secondary source? Give one example of a primary source. Give one example of a secondary source. Bonus: Which type of source is more likely to contain bias, and why?

DON’T FORGET TO PUT THE DATE, QUESTION, & ANSWER FOR BELL WORK DON’T FORGET TO PUT THE DATE, QUESTION, & ANSWER FOR BELL WORK! DRAW A LINE UNDER TODAY’S WORK WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED Bell Work, August 19 1. Answer in complete sentences: Use at least one of our Word Wall words to explain why a source might not be reliable. 2. When you finish your bell work, take out your graphic organizer and turn to the side that says, “EQ: How do you research History?”

Objectives & Essential Questions Can I describe the types of evidence that historians use? Can I explain how to research History?

Agenda Bell Work Objective Write in agenda Word Wall check 9-12 Chapter 1, Section 3 (read & graphic organizer) Exit Ticket

ISN Table of Contents: 1. Word Wall words, 1st Quarter pg. 5-8 Word Wall check Paleontology: the study of fossils Fossil: plant or animal remains that have been preserved from an earlier time Anthropology: the study of human culture and how it develops over time Species: a class of individuals with similar physical characteristics

Exit Ticket For each scenario number, write a yes or a no to answer the following question: Is this plagiarism? If you answer yes, then describe what you could do to fix the scenario. You write the opening sentence of a paragraph and then copy the rest word- for- word without quotations marks or citations. You write most of a paragraph yourself, but insert a few phrases word- for- word from the original source using quotation marks and citations. You don’t use any of the original author’s exact language; you just paraphrase her ideas in your own words and slightly change the order.

DON’T FORGET TO PUT THE DATE, QUESTION, & ANSWER FOR BELL WORK DON’T FORGET TO PUT THE DATE, QUESTION, & ANSWER FOR BELL WORK! DRAW A LINE UNDER TODAY’S WORK WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED Bell Work, August 20 1. Answer in complete sentences: Describe at least two important considerations when you are thinking of the reliability of an Internet source. 2. When you finish your bell work, take out both graphic organizers and your ISN.

Objectives & Essential Questions Can I explain the importance of learning History? Can I describe the types of evidence that historians use? Can I explain how to research History?

Agenda Bell Work Objective Write in agenda Word Wall check 13-16 Graphic organizers in ISN Chapter review Review game Exit ticket

ISN Table of Contents: 1. Word Wall words, 1st Quarter pg. 5-8 Word Wall check URL (.gov, .edu, .org): the abbreviation for uniform resource locator; the address of an online resource Evidence: something that shows proof or an indication that something is true Archaeology: the study of objects to learn about past human life Artifact: an object made by people

Exit Ticket Place at least one vocabulary word in each column. If you finish early, try to place additional words in the correct column.

DON’T FORGET TO PUT THE DATE, QUESTION, & ANSWER FOR BELL WORK DON’T FORGET TO PUT THE DATE, QUESTION, & ANSWER FOR BELL WORK! DRAW A LINE UNDER TODAY’S WORK WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED Bell Work, August 21 Answer in complete sentences: What calendar do we use today? What are two of the characteristics of that calendar? 2. When you finish your bell work, study for your Chapter 1 test.

Objectives & Essential Questions Can I explain the importance of learning History? Can I describe the types of evidence that historians use? Can I explain how to research History?

Agenda Bell Work Objective Write in agenda Chapter 1 test Lucy article

Test Expectations There is no talking during the test. Keep your eyes on your own paper. Stay in your seat. When you finish, put your paper under your desk and read the Lucy article. On the back, write a 5- sentence summary of the article and explain why it is significant to historians. If time still remains, read your SSR book.

Bell Work 8/22/14 Answer in complete sentences: What is the difference between longitude and latitude? What is the equator?

Objective Can I explain how geography influences the way people live?

Agenda Bell Work Objective Write in agenda Introduction to Geography: video Chapter 2, Section 1 graphic organizer Exit Ticket

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Hemisphere: half- sphere Equator divides: Northern and Southern hemispheres Prime Meridian divides: Eastern and Western Hemispheres Latitude: lines run parallel to Equator Equator is 0 degrees latitude.

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Poles are 90 degrees. Longitude- Lines circle from pole to pole Prime Meridian- at 0 degrees longitude

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Projection- a way of showing the round Earth on a flat map Distort- cut or stretched to change an area

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Maps: Physical maps show land and water features. Political maps show the names and borders of countries Special- purpose maps show specific kinds of information

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Maps: Map key explains lines, colors, and symbols used on a map Scale is a measuring line that tells distances represented on a map Compass rose tells you position of cardinal directions Cardinal directions are north, south, east, and west.

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Using Charts and Graphs Charts show facts in an organized way using columns and rows Graphs can compare amounts, change over time, and patterns Diagrams are drawings that show steps, explain how something works, or show parts

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Population shifts Populations grow or shrink over time. Population density is how many people live in a square mile. Cloropleths are maps that show population density.

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Culture and change Culture is the set of beliefs, behaviors, and traits shared by members of a group. People meet through exploration, migration, and trade and share their cultures with others.

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Themes of geography Location Place Human- environment interaction Movement Regions

Table of Contents: “Studying Geography”, page 11 Six essential elements The world in special terms: where a place is located Places and regions: describes characteristics of a place and people living there Physical systems: communities and how populations depend on one another Human systems: how people have shaped our world Environment: the relationship between people and their natural surroundings Uses of geography: helps us understand the relationships between people, places, and environments.