Which statement do you find to be most accurate about history and why? Or make up your own “[The job of history] is to show what actually happened… The strict presentation of the facts… is undoubtedly the supreme law” Leopold von Ranke “History is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes” (Voltaire) The history of the world is but the biography of great men” (Carlyle)
Social Sciences in the Industrial Age 22.3
I. Social Sciences A. Study of people as members of societies 1. Includes economics, history, politics, and human relations a. Politics-Plato & Aristotle b. Economics-Adam Smith c. History-Greeks- New trends in history emerged to study people in societies B. Archaeology, anthropology, and Sociology
II. Archaeology A. Archaeology-study of human culture through what is left behind B. What do they do? C. Famous archeologists
III. Anthropology A. Anthropology-study of different societies and how they relate to each other 1. E.B. Tylor-a set of beliefs that people share- kultur-culture a. Focused on religion and how it evolved in all human cultures 2. James George Frazer-compared customs of different societies and linked them together
IV. Sociology A. Sociology-study of human relationships in society 1. Auguste Comte-founder-society operated by certain laws a. use scientific method and facts to reach decisions not personal interpretations b. Applied the theories of biological sciences to their study 2. Herbert Spencer-used evolution to study human communities a. Theory became Social Darwinism-people with wealth and power acquired it because of their abilities b. Poor meant that groups were unfit
V. Psychology A. Studies the mind and human behavior 1. experimental science 2. Animal behavior was applied to humans-Ivan Pavlov a. Conditioned reflex-some behavior is automatic but can be changed i. Dogs salivate when food is presented ii. Human actions are from outside stimuli but can be changed 3. Sigmund Freud-Austrian doctor-idea of the unconscious as determining human behavior a. People are not aware of their unconscious mind i. Under hypnosis people can remember past experiences b. Treated patients by finding those unconscious fears i. Psychoanalysis- finding and analyzing these fears c. Founded modern psychiatry-study and treatment of mental illness
Assignment Please complete the Geography Activity worksheet