GRC Photonuclear Reactions 2008 Took place Aug 10-15 at Tilton School, NH >100 attendees from >50 different institutions Contributors: JSA, NSF, Ohio State,


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Presentation transcript:

GRC Photonuclear Reactions 2008 Took place Aug at Tilton School, NH >100 attendees from >50 different institutions Contributors: JSA, NSF, Ohio State, Anonymous contributor Organizers: S. Jeschonnek, R. Ent, P. Pedroni Scope: detailed studies of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and few-body systems, structure of the nucleon itself and how such structure can be related to the underlying QCD dynamics of quarks and gluons Topics: current theoretical and experimental work on electron and photon scattering from nucleons and nuclei 54 talks (3 by students, ~35% Jlab), 33 posters All results shown are considered un-published – not allowed to be shown outside the conference

GRC 2008: List of Topics The Spin and Momentum Structure of Nucleons semi-inclusive results from Jlab The Space-Momentum Structure of Protons and Neutrons Interpretation of GPDs, double polarized VCS, DVCS from Jlab, Gep, Gen The Transverse Spin Structure of Protons/Pushing the Understanding of Nuclei RHIC, COMPASS Novel ion trap for electron scattering of short-lived unstable nuclei Advances in Theory ADC/QCD entertaining comments, truncated moments Meson Production and Hadron Spectroscopy Transition form factors, lattice Applications of Photonuclear Physics Medical (Mainz and Hampton) Radiocarbon dating and biblical history

Jlab Updates Hall A: Gen, DVCS (+Hall B), SRC, few-body FF, photopion production, 4 He(e,e’p) 3 H, photodisintegration Hall B: BONUS, semi-inclusive DIS, transition form factors, photodisintegration Hall C: Gep, R on deuterium, 2-photon exchange, hard exclusive reactions (+Hall B), nuclear EMC, x>1

Non-Jlab Updates HERMES: PDFs, GPDs with recoil, TMD studies BLAST: FF program Mainz: doubly virtual VCS, coherent/incoherent π° COMPASS: π polarizability, transverse spin RHIC: transverse spin physics new technique for a measurement of rare short-lived isotopes using ion trapping in cavities with electron beams: possible use at JLab? S-Dalinac: nuclear astrophysics MAX/LUND: deuteron Compton scattering

Theory Developments Mainz: Vanderhaeghen, Tiator interpretation of GPDs, N* properties Washington: Miller nucleon structure Lisbon: Ramalho s-wave models of N and Delta Ghent: Ryckebusch nuclear transparencies Giessen: Leupold in-medium hadron modification Jlab: Radyushkin, Psaker, Dudek AdS/QCD, truncated moments of structure functions, meson spectroscopy on the lattice arXiv:

Non-traditional Developments Radiocarbon Dating and Biblical History Conventional archaeology chronology uses a combination of excavation (pottery etc) assuming that Biblical texts provide a good road map Issue: conventional archaeology chronology may be off by more than a century Using radiocarbon dating (carbon-14 sampling) introduces a modern and more reliable technique into the field Medical Applications: Medical Imaging Proton radiotherapy