Our Predicament, and How History Can Help Javier Ergueta September, 2011
Our predicament:
You too may have noticed the world you’re waking up to is in kind of a mess.
In just the last century: World Wars I and II The Cold War 9/11 Global warming / “weirding”
How the heck did it happen?
Where do you look for answers…
A scientific theory? A mathematical theorem? A work of art? A religious doctrine?
To explain how the tiger got in the bathroom… …The Hangover rewinds the action and traces a causal chain of events.
“If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.” – Aristotle
“The past is the present, rolled out for understanding.”
“Those who cannot remember history are doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana
There are just three small problems with regard to most Americans and history.
They don’t know it.
They don’t care. “History is bunk” –Henry Ford (the Steve Jobs of the early 20th century) “We Americans don’t need to study history…we make it.” –Donald Rumsfeld, Sec. of Defense, “You’re history.” [You no longer matter.] –Popular saying
They don’t even know what it is. “History is so boring, because it’s all about memorizing names and dates.” –Common student objection
“To praise a historian for his accuracy is like praising an architect for using well-seasoned timber or properly-mixed concrete in his building. It is a necessary condition of his work, but not his essential function.” – E. H. Carr
What is history?
“History is a series of arguments to be debated, not a body of data to be recorded or a set of facts to be memorized. Thus controversy in historical interpretation is at the heart of its value.” – Prof. Robin W. Winks
In short, history is: A conversation whose goal is understanding the past. Not primarily an area of study, but a dimension of all other studies!
History: part of every subject! “History differs from the other disciplines in having an approach and not an area of its own.” –Leonard Krieger “History is not only a particular branch of knowledge, but a particular mode and method of knowledge in other branches.” –Lord Acton
Properly understood, history begins with the Big Bang.
Different subject disciplines (AOKs) feed into a single narrative by specializing in different kinds of evidence.
Key events, and the new sciences that focus on their effects: The Big Bang – Physics Era of Supernovas – Chemistry Birth of the solar system – Geology Life appears – Biology Primates appear – Archaeology Language appears – Linguistics Modern humans appear – Psychology
History is the only practical way that we can bring all knowledge into a single coherent framework.
But this can only really happen in one place… …between human ears!
Information is but the building materials of knowledge. Learning only happens when these are assembled into a sturdy, useful structure.
You have to make it happen.
Where I can help: Propose stimulating new information Point out connections Suggest possible frameworks
Focus of this course: 4 levels H. of Germany, Italy, Russia, Egypt, Persia H. of W. European, Russian and Islamic civilizations H. of Western Afro-Eurasia H. of humanity
My own effort at a unifying account… Some central branches And a good part of the trunk!