Sec 3 & 4 NA PTM Welcome!
PTM agenda SJC Mission Vision Values 2013 ‘N’ Level Results Sharing by 2013 graduates (video) Admission to Polytechnic & JC Important exam related dates to note Target setting (with FTs)
IJ Mission The mission of an Infant Jesus Convent is the creation of a Christ-centred school community where all work together for the promotion of truth, justice, freedom and love, with special reference to the needs of persons who are disadvantaged in any way.
SJC’s Vision Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
A nurturing & collegial environment Partners in learning Curriculum leaders & reflective practitioners Instructional & Transformational leaders All students & staff possess talents & will experience success E ngaged & Empowered Learners E ffective Leaders E loquent indiv with strong E thics Moral Character Values- driven Performance Character Value- adding SJC’s Character Building Model
LIFE 4 E ngaged & Empowered Learners E ffective Leaders E loquent Individuals with strong E thics FREEDOM LOVE INTEGRITY Truth Justice Sec 1 Registration 23 Dec 2010
Our Beliefs Our Expectations
A C E Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence
2013 GCE ‘N’ Level Examination Results
2013 N(A) Level Results
Grade Equivalence ‘O’ Level‘N’ Level A1, A2, B31 B4, C5, C62 D7, E83 F94
N level Exams compared to O Level Exams NameN level grade by subject (O Level Grade) Student 1 MTL 4 (6), EL1 (3), Lit 2 (5), CH 2 (7), Math 2 (4), Science 3 (3) Student 2 MTL 4 (8), EL1 (3), Lit 1 (3), CH 1 (3), Math 3 (6), Science 4 (7) Student 3 EL 1 (4), Lit 1 (3), CH 1 (6), Math 4 (8), Science 3 (6) Student 4 MTL 1 (2), EL 4 (6), CH 2 (6), Math 1 (2), Science 3 (3) Student 5 MTL 2 (5), EL 2 (3), CH 4 (2), Math 3 (5), Science 4 (5)
Year *L1B L1B L1B5 : EL & best 5 subjects, the lower the aggregate the better L1B4: EL & best 4 subjects, the lower the aggregate the better O Level Results
Year *Expected L1B4 Sec 5NA TBC *Actual L1B4 Sec 5NA EPI Sec 5NATBC * L1B4 : EL & best 5 subjects, the lower the aggregate the better
Sharing by 2013 graduate (video)
Options after Secondary School
Options after “N” and “O” Levels Employment ITE “N” Levels “O” Levels “A” levelsPolytechnicOthers Universities
Polytechnic Foundation Program for NA Top 10% of 4NA cohort Complete a 1-year Foundation Program (FP) at the Poly The FP will prepare polytechnic-bound N(A) students for entry into relevant diploma courses. > 70% of Diploma courses offered under FP
Polytechnic Foundation Program (PFP) Eligibility criteria ELMAB3 ≤ 11 points EL ≤ 3 & MA ≤ 3 Assessment : coursework, assignments, projects, exams Students must pass all modules in FP
Direct Polytechnic Programme (DPP) Next 20% of 4NA cohort ELMAB3 ≤ 19 points, EL ≤ 4 & MA ≤ 4 Higher Nitec prog (Higher National ITE Certificate) Guaranteed a place in a polytechnic diploma course [must meet the Grade Point Average (GPA)] 4 of our 9 NA students in 2013 who applied were accepted Institute of Technical Education Polytechnic Nitec Sec 5N(A) Direct Entry Higher Nitec Sec 4N(A)
ITE Higher Nitec course Higher Nitec in Accounting Enter after GCE N level EL Grade 1-3 Math Grade other subjects Grade Note : Save 1 year compared to those who enrol in ITE after Sec 5NA
Higher Nitec 2014 Biotechology, ITE College EastELR2B2-C Accounting, Central/East/WestELR1B3-B Business Studies (Sport Management), East ELR1B3-B Retail Merchandising, CentralELR1B3-B Beauty & Spa Management, EastELB4-A Note: Majority of the courses require Mathematics
ITE Scholarships ScholarshipsCoursesValue ITE-WTS Travel & Tours Higher Nitec in Leisure & Travel Operations Nitec in Attractions Operations & Service Skills (Tourism) $1000 per year Rolls-Royce Scholarship Nitec in Aerospace TechnologyCourse fees $400 monthly allowance for 2 yrs J’s Beauty International Nitec in Hair ServicesCourse fees $450 monthly allowance during term Lee Kuan Yew Model Student Award For Nitec & Higher Nitec who have performed consistently well & have outstanding conduct $400 A trophy & a certificate
Admission to Polytechnic L1R2B2 Selection into courses at Polytechnic is based on an aggregate score of L1R2B2 L1 : EL R2B2 : 2 Relevant subjects & Best 2 others R2 : depends on course offered by Poly (so your child/ward must know which courses she is interested in) Sec 3 PTM
Nanyang 2014 JAE COP Sec 3 PTM Course Cut off point Accountancy & Finance14 Social Sciences (Social Work)15 Mass Media Management15 Business Management16 Hospitality & Tourism Management17 Food Science and Nutrition17
Ngee Ann 2014 JAE COP Sec 3 PTM Course Cut off point International Business6 Banking & Financial Services10 Molecular Biotechnology; Pharmacy Science10 Tourism & Resort Management10 Mass Communication10 Animation & 3D Arts11 Child Psychology & Early Education12 Mechanical Engineering21
Republic 2014 JAE COP Sec 3 PTM Course Cut off point Hotel & Hospitality Management18 Consumer Behavior & Research19 Aerospace Engineering19 Biotechnology20 Integrated Events Management21 Game Design23
Temasek 2014 JAE COP Sec 3 PTM Course Cut off point Psychology Studies9 Biomedical Science10 Veterinary Technology10 Aviation Management & Services12 Accounting and Finance12 Law & Management13 Early Childhood Studies13 Hospitality & Tourism Management15 Culinary & Catering Management16
Admission to Junior College Sec 3 PTM Aggregate of EL & 5 Relevant Subjects ( L1R5 ) must not be more than 20 pts to be eligible for JC CCA grade is not included in this computation of points for eligibility
Cut-off points for JCs in JAE 2014 Sec 3 PTM JCArtsScience Catholic JC10 Temasek JC77 Anderson JC9 (10)8 St Andrew’s JC99 Meridian JC99 Tampines JC1313 (14) Serangoon JC12 (13) Innova JC20
Dates of Exam Mid Year Exam : 29 April GCE N level EL Oral : 8 July GCE N level MTL Oral : 31 July Prelim Exam : 1 August GCE N Level (written) : Sept & 7-15 Oct
N Levels Registration and payment Tentative DateO level Registration period (tentative, based on 2013) By end January After registration periodExamination fees payable No refund after registration date Amendment period – as in to drop/change subjects but no refund By end April After Amendment periodUnder-protest Fees You may still drop/change subjects but you need to pay a fee
N Levels Registration and payment Citizenship TypeUnder-protest Fees Payable Under-protest Fees Payable if candidate is under MOE FAS Singapore Citizen $143$35 Permanent Resident $149Not Applicable International Citizen $189Not Applicable
Preparing for O Levels We appeal to parents to help ensure our 4NA girls attend lessons after their N Levels to start preparing them for the O levels for MT “O” Level“N” Level A1, A2, B31 B4, C5, C62 D7, E83 F94 All 4NA students will be offering MT at O level after their N level exams
Target SJC Our Belief Every pupil has talent/potential and can experience successSchool Strategic Focus on Performance Character & Value-addingPupil To provide realistic but aspirational targets indicative of the potential performance of individual pupils P4: Develop a data-driven Decision-making Culture
Target Setting Process C1: Self-directed learners who possess Critical & Inventive Thinking and achieve Academic excellence Subject/Dept [Subj Acad Pot (Exp) Summary] Level/Stream [Level Acad Pot (Exp) Summary] Class [Class Acad Pot (Exp) Summary & Pupil Acad Pot List] Student [Individual Pupil Acad Profile] Data Driven Process
Pupil Academic Profile English Expected MSG: 4 Actual MSG: 3 EPI: 1 Combined Humanities Expected MSG: 5 Actual MSG: 5 EPI: 0 Mathematics Expected MSG: 4 Actual MSG: 6 EPI: -2 Food and Nutrition Expected MSG: 5 Actual MSG: 3 EP1: 2
Target Setting I will spend 1 hr each day practising algebra sums I will make it a point to read the newspaper everyday, pick out 5 words that I do not know and check its meaning It is more productive to give specific strategies like those listed above
Target Setting Refer to JAE Booklets available Or visit: /jae/files/jae-info.pdf
360 º Values Assessment A tool that provides each student the opportunity to receive a more complete evaluation of herself Assessed by self, peer, teachers (form and CCA) and parent Understand her strengths and areas for improvements
360 º Values Assessment
Dialogue Session with Teacher Each parent minutes 3B – ISH 3C – ISH 4B – B C – B D – B04-03 & C04-01
A C E Women of Integrity with the Passion to Pursue Excellence