GIS in Slovenia by Matjaž Jeran, Bank of Slovenia - Financial Statistics ESTP course on Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Use of GIS for making statistics in a production environment Statistics Norway, Oslo, 26th to 30th of March 2012 Matjaž Jeran (mathematician) Analyst advisor in Methodology and technical support in department of Financial Statistics Bank of Slovenia Slovenska 35 SI-1505,Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel : 386 (1) Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these.
Institutions Slovenia is presented by members of three institutions: –Statistical office: Mojca Merc –Bank of Slovenia (central bank): Matjaž Jeran –National institute for public health: Tina Zupanič First occasion to exchange experiences in GIS Individual presentations follow this introduction
Sharing experience Statistics Slovenia ESTP course on Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Use of GIS for making statistics in a production environment Statistics Norway, Oslo, 26th to 30th of March 2012 Mojca Merc Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Litostrojska cesta Ljubljana Slovenia Tel : +386 (0) Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these.
Use of GIS in production and dissemination of statistics
Availability of basic geostatistical units o Spatial layers: Administrative units (NUTS 2, NUTS 3, LAU 2, settlements) Grids: 10km, 5km, 2.5km, 1km, 500m, 100m o Register-based datasets: Population - number, sex, age groups (large and 5-year), activity (yes/no), education (3 levels) Households - number, size Dwellings - number, area (classes) Buildings - number, age (classes)
Confidentiality & licencing and pricing policy o Suppresion rules Smallest grid cell size 100m x 100m Number of units ≥ 30 – all attributes without secondary suppression Number of units < 30 – only numbers, sex, age groups Grid dissemination rules applied to „other areas“ o Licencing and pricing policy free access and download source should be acknowledged
Organisation of GIS at SORS Editorial Board and Regional Statistics Department Staff: 1 person full-time (+ 2 persons) Software: MapInfo Proffesional
Bank of Slovenia Financial statistics and GIS A view from a member of Section of statistical methods and technical support Matjaž Jeran on 23-March-2012
Contents Functions of Bank of Slovenia and role of Financial Statistics (FS) Functions Resources Products Answers to GIS Questionaire Q & A
Functions of BoS National central bank (NCB) of Slovenia and member of European sytem of central banks (ESCB) Contribution to EuroSystem monetary policy decisions and its implementation in Slovenia Collection and report of financial data to ECB Analysis and research of monetary system Banking supervision and monetary stability for Slovenia
Functions of department financial statistics Collect financial data Aggregate and prepare financial statistics Report statistics to the Board of BoS, ECB, IMF, other institutions and general public Present statistical data to the governor, the board and others
Organization of FS Head Contents sections Statistical methods and technical support Head Fin. inst. Foreign rel. Fin. accounts Other stat. Meth. and tech. supp. Information Technology department (IT)
Resources Humanware Section: 2 maths, 1 computer eng, 2 economists Serving 2 managers, 18 analysts and 14 support people of Financial Statistics Hardware and software (responsibility of IT) Servers (HP Unix, Oracle, SAP) Desktops (Windows, MS Office, Oracle Business Inteligence (OBI), Stata, Adobe DTP tools, R, LaTeX) Colaboration with other departments and institutions IT department, Statistical Office (SURS), Ministry of finance, Publishing department, Analysis and research centre (ARC), board, governmental agencies such as: Agency for public payments (Ajpes), Post and communications agency (APEK), Surveying and mapping authority, …
Products Publicly disclosed When ready (daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) –Web site Monthly: –BoS Monthly bulletin –Balance of payments Quarterly: –Financial accounts Annual: –Direct investments –A small chapter of BoS Annual report –Financial accounts (with comments) For internal use Monetary reports Balance of payments Property prices Other
Sample of GIS products Direct investmens of Slovenia in the world Direct investments in Slovenia by communities
Questions about GIS a)Status of GIS: –GIS used only for production of some publications –One person using R and packages producing maps in various reports –Suitable data for GIS: direct investments, real estate transactions, commercial bank offices, ATM machines, POS terminals, …
Questions about GIS b)Confidentiality: –Data collected by secure banking network or PGP cyphered mail –Segregated staff and data sets 1 - receiving raw data and 2 - analysts using aggregated data –Manual checking of aggregated data for possible breaches of confidentiality
Questions about GIS c)Software used: c)General: R and its packages: SP, maptools, RGDAL, etc.); d)Property prices: e)Open source tools: Quantum GIS, etc d)Organisation: –1 person within methodology and techical support sections
Questions about GIS e)GIS units: –States, statistical regions, communities, GIS objects obtained from Surveying and mapping authority of Slovenia and from internet f)Pricing: –All regularily published products are free (download pdf) –Source must be acknowledged –All reports by request are payable accordint to the Law of access rights to public information (ZDIJZ) (price = costs)
Questions and answers Any questions?
ESTP course on Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Use of GIS for making statistics in a production environment Statistics Norway, Oslo, 26th to 30th of March 2012 Name Tina Zupanič Title/ Mag Position Employer National Institute of Public Health Street address Trubarjeva 2 Post address, City, Country 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel : / Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. Your photo
About NIPH Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. NIPH is Slovenian central state institution whose purpose is studying, protecting and raising the level of health of the population. An important area of NIPH is also data collection and management of health statistics data. Health data
Health data introduction to PC-Axis Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. Curent state: impmementing project (includes Geographically based health related data on maps)
Availability of basic geostatistical units Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. o Spatial layers: Administrative units (settlements, municipalities, NUTS 2, NUTS 3, health regions) Some of the data available on the lavel of postal adress (e.g. CoD) o Register-based datasets on: CoD, Hospital In-patient Health Care data, Primary Health Care Database and Out-Patient Specialist Services data, Hospital data on births ….
Confidentiality & licencing and pricing policy Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. o No special confidentiality rules (poorly developed area) o Licencing and pricing policy: free access and download source should be acknowledged
Organisation of GIS at NIPH Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. o No special person devoted to this field (occasional use) o Software: Arc View