Department of Applied Foreign Languages Supervisor: Dr. I-Cheng Wu Student: Sheng-Yu Feng Yu-Hsin Tu.


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Presentation transcript:

Department of Applied Foreign Languages Supervisor: Dr. I-Cheng Wu Student: Sheng-Yu Feng Yu-Hsin Tu

 Abstract  Research Motivation  Literature Review  Methodology  Research Procedure  Analysis  Discussion  Conclusion  Reference

 This study aims to investigate the advantage and competence of English majors in tourism industry. In the present study, questionnaires were distributed in an attempt to find out whether English majors show superior ability at work in comparison with students from other department. The participants are 260 students who majored in Applied Foreign Languages. Questionnaires were the main research instrument. Based on the analysis, findings of the study are as follows: first, most of the students who study in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages have English-related certificates and think that English is useful in workplace. Second, the study suggests that students who study in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages have superiority in tourism industry. Third, students think that speaking is the most difficult ability in English. Fourth, several potential issues arose concerning ESP.

 Nowadays, Taiwan becomes more and more international. English plays an important role in the world. The Department of Tourism is popular. However, students have certain needs in ESP courses.  The study aims to compare the competitiveness of English majors and tourism majors in workplace.

 Abilities investigation in workplace  What kinds of industries need to have English ability?  Aviation industry (TOEIC 550) ( Career 就業情報 )  Hotel industry (bonus) ( Career 就業情報 )  Tourism industry (required) ( Career 就業情報 )  Banking industry (English proficiency tests) ( Career 就業情報 )  Technical industry (TOEIC 500 or IELTS 6) ( Career 就業情報 )  Manufacturing industry (English resume) ( Career 就業情報 )

 What kinds of abilities do you need to have in tourism industry?  According to the National Youth Commission (2011), university graduates must be equipped with six abilities.  Foreign languages  Professional certificates  Positive Learning Attitude  Stability  Basic computer skills  Internationalization

 ESP  Researchers always concern low English proficiency students. Lin (1996); Shih and Huang (1997) propose that tourism students have 3 problems:  1. In comparison with English majors, they seldom have time to learn English.  2. ESP aims to help students in the workplace, but students’ low leaning motivation leads to poor performance.  3. The government doesn’t attach importance about these courses.

 Participant: 37 students from Taiwan Shofu University 120 students from Shu-te University 140 students from Cheng Shiu University  Research instrument: Questionnaires

Draw up the research project Establish a theoretical framework Design questionnaires Pilot questionnaire The implementation of the survey Findings and discussion Conclusion Questionnaires and data analysis

yesno English related certificate Certificates are useful ESP is practical Second expertise 22535

English Certificates GEPT elementaryGEPT intermediateGEPT advanced English Study Time NOLess than 1 hour More than 6 hours

Difficulties in English learning listeningspeakingreadingwriting ESP Courses very hardhardneutraleasyvery easy

English learning motivation Very highHighneutralLowVery low Reasons to learn English Working holidays Work needsWorkplace advantage RaiseHabit

1. After students took the professional courses of ESP, were they satisfied with the curriculum? According to this research, most students think that ESP courses aren’t practical in workplace. However, a small part of the students think it is useful because these students have English certificates. Because of this reason, these students think ESP courses help them to get certificates.

 2. In comparison with tourism majors, what are the advantages of English majors?  English can’t be learned in a short time. Compared with other people who don’t have English background, English majors tend to receive more bonus and have more opportunity for promotion at work.

 3. Why do students who study in vocational universities think that English is difficult?  Because these students spend less time studying English and students don’t take the initiative to learn.

 4. What is the real reason that students want to study in the department of applied foreign languages?  According to the questionnaires, students who study in this department aren’t interested in English. Results suggest that these students’ motivation is working holidays, job requirement and workplace advantages. It can be seen that English is not only an advantage but also a tool.

 The present study suggests that English-related certificates are very useful in workplace because most students who study in the department of applied foreign languages think better English can lead to workplace advantages, extra allowance and promotion. English certificates are also useful in universities. Students can get extra credits if they have English-related certificates.  Results of the questionnaires indicate that students think ESP courses aren’t useful in workplace. In universities, the courses are practical because students can learn professional terms. But it doesn’t mean that these terms are useful in workplace.

 TOEIC 企業人資專區 ( 網路資訊資料 )  專題記者報導 / 韓名、李翊嘉、莊幼寧、錢思穎、蔡廷 翊 NG 英語教育,專業不足難應用 ( 網路資訊資料 )  CAREER 就業情報 社會新鮮人 職場英語能力需求大調 查  許雅嵐 技職校院應外系學生工作價值觀、生涯自我效 能與生涯定向之相關研究 民國 97 年 7 月  Shu-Yu Shen,M.A. Investigating the Perception Toward ESP Courses ; A Case Study of ESP Teachers and Students at Chaoyang University of Technology

 行政院青年輔導委員會 98 年大專青年就業力現況 調查報告 民國 98 年 8 月  行政院青年輔導委員會 提升青年就業力計畫成效評 估暨就業力調查調查研究 民國 100 年 10 月