J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves (PI) Hamid Sadjadpour Katia Obraczka Muriel Medard Andrea Goldsmith Pravin Varaiya Rajive Bagrodia Mario Gerla Nitin Vaidya Tony Ephremides UCSC: MIT: Stanford University: UC Berkeley: UCLA: UIUC: University of Maryland:
2 2 Agenda 7:30 Registration and breakfast 8:00 Welcome and introductions 8:15 ARO Remarks (Bob Ulman, ARO) 8:30 DAWN overview (J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, UCSC) 9:05 Future directions in fundamental studies of wireless ad hoc networks (Hamid Sadjadpour, UCSC) 9:40 Medium access control using multi-user diversity (Marzieh Veyseh, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, UCSC) 10:15 Coffee break 10:30 COMMUNITY: Communication in heterogeneous networks prone to episodic connectivity (Katia Obraczka, UCSC) 11:05 Practical considerations in wireless network coding (Nadia Fawaz, Muriel Medard, MIT) 11:40 Quantitative evaluation of secure network coding (Mario Gerla, UCLA) 12:15 Lunch
3 3 Agenda (2) 1:45 Analog Network Coding in High-SNR Relay Networks (Andrea Goldsmith, Stanford) 2:20 Improving the performance of wireless networks (Nitin Vaidya, UIUC) 2:55 Harmonic channel access and routing (J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, UCSC) 3:30 Coffee break 3:45 A New DAWN: Future Directions in Network Science and Engineering (group discussion) 4:45 Meeting adjourns
4 4 Technical Approach A “Science of Networking” fundamental limits Upper-bound Lower-bound Is the protocol correct? What is the best that we can possibly do? What is the performance of specific protocols with a specific PHY? logic simulations protocols and architectures PHYSICAL LINK NETWORK TRANSPORT APPLICATION synchronization neighborhood discovery transmission scheduling Antennas, radios interconnection collaborative applications… end-to-end transport protocols… routing-structure maintenance opportunistic packet forwarding analytical models
5 5 Summary of Scientific Progress Another Impressive year in terms of quantity and quality of research output! > 26 journal papers published or accepted for publication. u IEEE Trans. Information Theory, IEEE Trans. Comm., IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm, IEEE/ACM Trans. On Networks, IEEE JSAC, Ad Hoc Networks > 51 peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings u IEEE Infocom, IEEE SECON, and IEEE MASS, IEEE ICNP, IEEE ICDCN Several Ph.D. and M.S. theses completed (> 5, > 8)
6 6 Summary of Scientific Progress BEST PAPER AWARDS Best Paper Award : Z. Wang, M. Ji, L. Dritsoula, H. Sadjadpour, and J.J. Garcia-Luna- Aceves, ``On The Minimum Side Information of MIMO Broadcast Channel,'' European Wireless Conference 2010, Lucca, Italy, April , Best Paper Award: Vartika Bhandari and Nitin H. Vaidya, “Scheduling in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks,” IEEE ICDCN Best Paper Awards in every year of DAWN!
7 7 Summary of Scientific Progress Recognized Technical Leadership: J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves (UCSC): - General Chair, 7th ACM PE-WASUN 2010, Bodrum, Turkey, October 17–21, Best Paper Award at European Wireless Conference Member of IEEE Fred W. Ellersick 2010 MILCOM Award Selection Committee for Best Unclassified Paper Mario Gerla: - General Co-Chair of IEEE MASS 2010, November 8-12, 2010, San Francisco, CA Andrea Goldsmith (Stanford): - Silicon Valley Business Journal Women of Influence Award – IEEE Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecturer – Technical Achievement Award: Wireless Communications Committee, IEEE Comsoc
8 8 Summary of Scientific Progress Recognized Technical Leadership: Muriel Medard (MIT): - TPC co-chair this year of ACM-Sigcomm CONEXT Editor for the IT Transactions Special Memorial Issue for Ralf Koetter - Guest Editor for JSAC issue on Trading Rate for Delay at the Transport and Application Layers. Katia Obraczka (UCSC): - General Co-Chair of IEEE MASS 2010, November 8-12, 2010, San Francisco, CA. Hamid Sadjadpour (UCSC): Best Paper Award at European Wireless Conference 2010
9 9 Summary of Scientific Progress New fundamental results on the capacity of wireless networks. New approaches derived from this theory (beyond virtual MIMO using interference management) Additional ideas on the practical use of network coding and secure network coding. Analog network coding in high SNR regimes New results on distributed transmission scheduling. Novel approaches and theory of routing in connected and disconnected wireless networks. Analytical models of the performance of various communication protocols.
10 Technology & Idea Transfer JJ & Hamid Sadjadpour: u SUNS-Tech Corp Phase I STTR award; one U.S. patent application filed on opportunistic interference management. u Good prospects for Phase II award. u SBIR Phase I proposals submitted Andrea Goldsmith: u Provisional patent application filed jointly with Ericsson “Management of Cognitive Transmission in Primary Spectrum”
11 Dynamic Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: From Theory to Practice Unofficial Deliverable for 2011