Mobile App:IT Mobile Application Careers
MOBILE PLATFORMS The Internet is full of free websites that teach you how to code - - - Subscribe to blogs related to your areas of interest Learn by doing! Practice will make perfect
COLLEGE COURSES Majority of courses will revolve around programming Need a strong background in mathematics Additional helpful courses include Networking Operating Systems Statistics
COLLEGE DEGREES Various careers will require a variety of different college degrees. There are few degrees that will give you exact mobile development experience. BS/MS in Computer Science Graphic Design Game Design Applications Programmer Computer and Network Security (BS) Computer Game Design (BS)
CAREERS Common Careers iOS Developer Android Developer User Interface Designer Project Manager Graphic Designer Game Developer System or Network Administrator Mobile career fields are incredibly young, but are already becoming one of the fastest growing careers fields.
SKILLS Programming Languages Java C# or C++ Android SDK Communication Problem Solving Team Player
WHERE ARE THE JOBS? Larger Cities Internet is breaking down barriers of having employees in a physical location Outsourcing is becoming a major factor in mobile development.
JOBS BY CITY Major US Cities include: Silicon Valley, CA San Francisco, CA Boulder, CO New York, NY Los Angeles, CA Boston, MA Seattle, WA
TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONS Banking Startups Large Organizations