Nuclear Chemistry Research Paper
Why? You will use your knowledge of Nuclear Chemistry and your ability to conduct research on your chosen topic. You will produce a well written paper using proper format and citation, on your chosen topic.
The Paper Introduction: – Some type of “gotcha” or “hook” – Something to grab the readers attention Thesis statement Give an idea of what the paper is going to be about Either use the last sentence to transition to the first body paragraph…or the first sentence of the next paragraph
Paper… First Body Paragraph Write about the most obvious point of paper; the strongest example or the most obvious Topic of paragraph should come out in the first sentence or two and should relate to the thesis Either use the last sentence to transition to the first body paragraph…or the first sentence of the next paragraph
Paper… Second Body Paragraph… Follows first body paragraph… The next obvious example or argument First sentence should hook in with the previous sentence of the last paragraph and tie the ideas together…they should transition The topic should become apparent within the first two sentences The topic should relate to the thesis Either use the last sentence to transition to the first body paragraph…or the first sentence of the next paragraph
Paper… Third Body Paragraph… Follows the second body paragraph The least obvious argument or example Topic should come out within the first two sentences The topic should relate to the thesis The first sentence should tie the second and third paragraphs Last sentence should signal the reader that this is the final point of the paper Last sentence of third body paragraph or first sentence of conclusion can transition to conclusion of the paper
Paper… Conclusion Include the following: – Mimic the pattern used in the introductory paragraph – a restatement of the thesis statement, using some of the original language or language that "echoes" the original language. Do not duplicate thesis statement. – a summary of the three main points from the body of the paper. – a final statement that gives the reader signals that the discussion has come to an end.
Possible Research Topics Carbon dating uses and limitations Nuclear fusion in the Sun Cold fusion PET (Positron emission tomography) Effects of exposure (nervous system, circulatory system, reproductive system, immune system) Manhattan Project/ Atomic bomb H-bomb Nuclear reactor/ power Super colliders/ Particle accelerators Radiation History timeline Nuclear fission (chain reaction, control rods) Nuclear waste disposal Chernobyl Cancer treatment, tracers, imaging Measuring the age of the Earth How radiation is measured Six beneficial uses of radiation Natural sources of radiation “Man made” radiation Background radiation Medicine: - rays, x- rays, pet-scans, cat- scans, radiation treatment for cancer/illness Food treatment (irradiating food) Smoke detectors, home radon detectors Radiochemical dating in geology, archaeology, performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) Glow in the dark products Nuclear Weapons Nuclear power plants in the U.S. Remediating radon problems in the home. X – ray scanners at airports Full body scans at airports How is half life determined? Radiation Poisoning What does the NRC do? Nuclear arms inspections IAEA Enriching plutonium Mining uranium and enriching it.