Maturation & Convergence in Authentication & Authorization Services in US Higher Education: Keith Hazelton, Sr. IT Architect, University of Wisconsin-Madison Internet2 MACE 20th APAN, Taipei, Taiwan August 24, 2005 Keith Hazelton, Sr. IT Architect, University of Wisconsin-Madison Internet2 MACE 20th APAN, Taipei, Taiwan August 24, 2005
2 Topics Middleware service layer concepts & models Roots of the Internet2 middleware initiative Growing relevance of middleware for network layer services and Grid services Possible paths of convergence
3 What is Identity Management? “Identity [and access] management is the set of business processes, and a supporting infrastructure, for the creation, maintenance, and use of digital identities.” The Burton Group (a research firm specializing in IT infrastructure for the enterprise) Identity and Access Management (IAM) defined
4 The IAM Stone Age List of functions: AuthN: Authenticate principals (people, servers) seeking access to a service or resource Log: Track access to services/resources
5 The IAM Stone Age Every application for itself in performing these functions User list, credentials, if you’re on the list, you’re in (AuthN is authorization (AuthZ) As Hobbes might say: Stone age IAM “nasty, brutish & short on features”
6 Vision of a better way to do IAM IAM as a middleware layer at the service of any number of applications Requires an expanded set of basic functions Reflect: Track changes to institutional data from changes in Systems of Record (SoR) & other IdM components Join: Establish & maintain person identity across multiple independent sources of person information Human Resources and Student Info. Systems …or Department X and Department Y IT systems
7 Vision of a better way to do IAM More in the expanded set of basic functions Credential: issue digital credentials to people in the community Mng. Affil.: Manage affiliation and group information Mng. Priv.: Manage privileges and permissions at system and resource level Provision: Push IAM info out to systems and services as required Deliver: Make access control / authorization information available to services and resources at run time AuthZ: Make the allow deny decision independent of AuthN
8 IAM functions ReflectData of interest JoinIdentity across SoR CredentialNetID, other Manage Affil/GroupsAuthZ info Manage PrivilegesMore AuthZ info ProvisionFor legacy applications DeliverGet AuthZ info to app AuthenticateCheck identity claim AuthorizeMake allow/deny decision LogTrack usage for audit
9 Roots of the Internet2 Middleware Initiative Stated goal is to support educational institution as a whole in its various missions Requires focus on entire population of various service consumers (students, staff, researchers, lecturers, etc.) Plus two critical requirements: Scalability Flexibility
10 Basic IAM functions mapped to the Internet2 NMI / MACE components Systems of Record Stdnt HR Other Enterprise Directory Registry LDAP
11 Basic IAM functions mapped to the Internet2 NMI / MACE components Systems of Record Enterprise Directory GrouperSignet WebISO Shibboleth Apps / Resources
12 Middleware becoming crucial to network and Grid communities QoS, Authenticated network access and network service all require IAM suite of functions Grid services have that PLUS need to support multiple-institution virtual organizations (VOs) Middleware becomes crucial in both for Scalability Flexibility
13 The GridShib picture (1) Grid Authentication (2) Shib Attribute Request Shibboleth (3) Attributes Grid Service (4) Attribute-based authorization Campus User (0) Attribute Release Policy
14 LDAP Getting Attributes into a Site’s Attribute Authority uid: jdoe eduPersonAffiliation: … isMemberOf: … eduPersonEntitlement: … SIS HR On-site Authorities Loaders Person Registry Group Registry Grouper UI Privilege Registry Off-site Authorities Signet UI Attribute Authority Core Business Systems Shib/ GridShib using Shibboleth
15 Do APAN attendees thus represent a new market for I2-style middleware? If so, what are likely paths of collaboration and convergence? SAML and WS* and PKI interoperability to bring institutional IAM and Grid IAM into alignment--See Project GridShib & JISC news IAM infrastructures at departmental in addition to institutional levels Federations as organizational umbrellas for VOs A quick glance at federation building initiatives
16 Federation Value Proposition Set of cooperating IdPs and SPs forms a community needing agreement on: Trust Fabric X.509 certs IdP and SP identifiers & other metadata Community standard for attribute semantics Community standards for IdP and SP operational practices Strength of authentication Confidentiality For N IdPs and M SPs, which is easier? N*M agreements N+M agreements
17 The Research and Education Federation Space Today REF Cluster InQueue (a starting point) InCommon SWITCH The Shib Research Club Other national nets Other clusters Other potential US R+E feds State of Penn Fin Aid Assoc NSDL Slippery slope - Med Centers, etc Indiana
18 Specific possibilities Participate in beta testing of middleware components to get your requirements into development stream Participate in middleware-enhanced VO trials Others???
19 Q & A grouper grouper