The 4th International Traditional Martial Art Festival Wudang architect- ural complex ( 武当建筑 群 ) Taoist cultural (道教文 化)


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Presentation transcript:

The 4th International Traditional Martial Art Festival Wudang architect- ural complex ( 武当建筑 群 ) Taoist cultural (道教文 化)

Do you know what festival is the second Saturday of June? Culture Heritage Day (世界遗产日) Material cultural heritage Non-material cultural heritage Cultural relics Historical relics Archaeology Architectural complex ……….

Now let’s enjoy a movie. Listen carefully and fill the blanks. 1. The farmer Yang Zhifa, who was from Xiyang Village, dug out the well-known cultual relic------The Terracotta Warriors in ______________, which was later be recognized as the 8th wonder in the world. 2. In three underground pits, _______warrior statues stand in military formation, they are believed to guard the _________nearby. 3. No two soldiers ____________, each one of 8000 warriors is unique, because they are models of real people treasures look alike

Read the newspaper and summarize the characteristics of a cultural relic A cultural relic is something that is…… –very old, survived for a long time; –should have some value; –manmade, created by our ancestors( 祖先 ); –tells people about the past. –……

World Heritage List 人民网北京 2010 年 8 月 2 日综合消息 8 月 1 日傍晚,正在巴西利亚举行的第 34 届 世界遗产大会审议通过了将中国湖南崀山、 广东丹霞山、福建泰宁、贵族赤水、江西 龙虎山和浙江江郎山联合申报的 “ 中国丹霞 地貌( Danxia landform ) ” 列入 “ 世界自然 遗产目录 ” 。这是是中国第四十个个列入 《世界遗产名录》的项目。 Danxia landform

Let’s enjoy more pictures Non-material cultural heritage


Kunqu opera Since Yuan Dynasty-Nonmaterial relic

Material cultural relics Archaeology blue and white porcelain 青花瓷 It is my song

jade( 翡翠 )

ivory dragon boat

The Terracotta Warriors

The set bells of the Warring States Sui County of Hubei

Material cultural relics architectural complex

Material cultural relics Historical relics He who doesn’t go to the Great Wall is not a true man.

The Forbidden City ( 紫禁城 )

The Potala Palace (Lhasa, Tibet)

Mogao Caves (In China)

Louvre Museum( 卢浮宫 ) 卢浮宫始建于 13 世纪, 是当时法国路易王室的城堡, 被充当为国库及艺术馆 。

Triumphal Arch( 凯旋门 )

The Taj Mahal (In India)

The Statue of Liberty (The symbol( 象征) of the USA)

The Amber Room (Russia)

Yuanmingyuan in Beijing

Debate for against Is it worth rebuilding Yuan Ming Yuan?

I am for …because … I am against…because … I agree that …/I agree with your opinion I don’t agree with you, In my opinion, I think … My opinion is that … I think it is better to … I believe …

Conclusion In my view, China is a country of long history, the cultural relics have seen her prosperity( 兴旺 )and decay (衰亡), and even they present the charm of our country as well as the wisdom and diligence of our people. As the textbook of history and geography, cultural relics should be well protected for ever.

Homework 1. 根据手上资料或字典自学语言点,明天 小组成员为大家讲解。 2. 做完《全品》课时作业( 1 ),导学案 language points