Allocation Effects on Sustainability within a Solid Wood Chain A Case Study in South Scotland Stefania Pizzirani and Barry Gardiner, John Fonweban and Stephen Bathgate Forest Research Scotland
Ways to Allocate 1.Cut using Business As Usual practices (eg—wood products based on stem diameter) 3. Cut using Stand Level Allocation to achieve both the optimal range of products per tree and to satisfy market demand 2. Cut using Forest Level Allocation to meet consumer demand (eg—biofuel industry)
Business as usual Green sawlog: Diam >18cm at 6m Straightness ≥ 3 Red sawlog: Diam >18cm at 6m Straightness <3 Pallet: Diam 14-18cm at 6m Biomass: Diam <14cm at 6m Green sawlog Red sawlog
System developed for use in Sitka spruce Can be used to predict out-turn of “green” logs Stem Straightness Scoring
Stem Stiffness Scoring Tree level - ST300Log level - HM200
Stem Straightness and Stiffness Models
Premise for Allocation Study Sawlog Pallet Biofuel B.A.U.F.L.A. BF.L.A. PF.L.A. S Stand Level Allocation
Case Study in Southern Scotland
Time period of 30 years from ha in forest stand 3694 m 3 removed from thinnings m 3 removed from final fellings total m 3 removed 2782 trips to sawmills by 44 tonne trucks Assumed values: £35/m 3 green sawlog, £30/m 3 red sawlog, £25/m 3 pallet, £20/tonne biofuel
Processing Plants
Scenario 1 Business as Usual - 100% of sawlogs to Dumfries where 80% is Green log and 20% is re-allocated as Red log to Kirriemuir - 100% Red logs to Kirriemuir - 100% of Pallet to Lockerbie - Remainder as Biofuel to EON Lockerbie
Scenario 2 Forest Level Allocation Biofuel - 100% of forest allocated as Biofuel to EON Lockerbie
Scenario 3 Forest Level Allocation Pallet - All logs allocated as Pallet to Lockerbie - Remainder as Biofuel to EON Lockerbie
Scenario 4 Forest Level Allocation Sawlog - 100% of sawlogs to Dumfries where 80% is Green log and 20% is re-allocated as Red log to Kirriemuir - 100% Red logs to Kirriemuir - Remainder as Biofuel to EON Lockerbie
Scenario 5 Stand Level Allocation - 100% of Green logs to Dumfries - 100% of Red logs to Kirriemuir - 100% of Pallet to Lockerbie - 100% of Biofuel to EON Lockerbie
Craik Wind Risk
Craik Straightness
Indicator Results - GVA
Indicator Results – Employment
Indicator Results – Timber Miles
Indicator Results - GHG
Conclusions Results depend on end-user’s priorities This case study was a examination of how ToSIA might be applied at a stand level Allows the user to ‘play’ with the data to see how different scenarios may affect the outcome of various indicators Allocation only of value if price differentials significant The results are only as good as the input data – room for improvement Scenarios simplistic – room for refinement
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