A few facts about African Americans in Major League Baseball
1884 Moses "Fleetwood" Walker becomes first African-American player in major league baseball, signing with the Toledo club in the American Association.
Walker, a star catcher at Oberlin College, despite a creditable performance with Toledo, was cut from the squad after the season, but continued to play in organized baseball with minor league teams.
1885 The first all-black professional team, the Cuban Giants, is founded in Babylon, New York.
1887 The National Colored Base Ball League, the first attempt at a professional Negro League, is formed. The league includes Lord Baltimores, Resolutes (Boston), Browns (Cincinnati), Falls City (Louisville), Gorhams (New York), Pythians (Philadelphia), Pittsburgh Keystones, Capital City Club (Washington). Two weeks later the league will fail from lack of attendance.
1890 The International League implements a ban on African- American players. The league's ban will continue until 1946.
1920 Andrew "Rube" Foster, renowned pitcher and owner of the Chicago American Giants, calls Midwestern team owners to Kansas City. The result of the meeting is the formation of the Negro National League.
The generic label, THE NEGRO LEAGUES, refers to various affiliations of professional black baseball players, extending from the late nineteenth century to the Jackie Robinson era
Dozens of all-black professional and semi-professional baseball teams played throughout the United States in the first half of the 20th century. At the top level the best Negro League teams competed in leagues that were regarded as the black "majors."
The Negro leagues, interestingly enough, were responsible for introducing night baseball, the use of shin guards, batting helmets and the screwball
Women in the Negro Leagues After Major League Baseball had begun integration in 1947, three women played in the Negro Leagues in the 1950s with the Kansas City Monarchs and Indianapolis Clowns Toni Stone, Connie Morgan, and Mamie Peanut Johnson TONI STONE (Marcenia Lyle Alberga) Second Base
1946 Jackie Robinson is signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers organization and debuts with the Montreal Royals as the first black player in organized baseball in half a century.
Robinson wins the National League Rookie Of The Year award as he solidifies his position in a pennant winning Dodger lineup.
Larry Doby is signed by the Cleveland Indians and becomes the first black player in the American League.
1948 Satchel Paige is signed by the Cleveland Indians and becomes baseball's all-time oldest"rookie" at the age of 42.