The RA Coach Service…
Provides… The Lovin the Learnin Area 16 on-line in-service training modules with built in testing and notification of completion to supervisor The RA Coach Service
16 Lovin the Learnin training topics. Sample topics include: The RA Coach Service Community Building Managing Roommate Problems Helping Skills for RAs Confrontation Diversity Assisting the Rape Survivor Time Management
Provides… The Virtual Programming Area 152 programs with full-blown to do lists, & downloadable advertising and supplemental information The RA Coach Service
Provides… The Rapid Reporter On-line forms: Weekly Report, Duty Report, Incident Report, Programming Registration and Evaluation Reports, Maintenance Reports and more… The RA Coach Service Filled out on-line and submitted via
Provides… The Staying Safe in On-Line Communities series Articles, brochures, bulletin boards and programs to help RAs and their residents stay safe when interacting on-line The RA Coach Service
Provides…The Should You or Shouldnt You? Returning to the RA Job series A 2-part series to help RAs determine whether the position is still compatible with their long term goals and willingness to serve The RA Coach Service
Provides… Monthly Planning Guides Overview information on what to anticipate for the month The RA Coach Service
Provides… Stress Management Resources Downloadable audio feed to help staff relax and sleep, and stress management exercises to go The RA Coach Service
For more information or assistance, the site at or call 215 For a free trial of this service, click on the link below: