1.History. 1. Characteristics of teaching & learning processCharacteristics of teaching & learning process 2.Purposes 2.Areas of language emphasized. 3.Principles. 4.Techniques 4.Techniques. 5.Advantages & Disadvantages
The grammar translation method Reading the passage & answer the question Practice Grammar Word study Translation The modern method Reading. Speaking Listening. Writing. Practice pronunciation Grammar.
The grammar-translation method Dating back to the early nineteenth, it was first known as Prussian Method in U.S.A Being originally used to teach classical languages (and literatures) such as Latin and Greek. Classical Method.
Purposes Translate better
Purposes Develop reading & writing skills. Avoid misunderstanding.
Characteristics of teaching & learning process Grammar deductively Translation from L1-L2, L2-L1. Memorize vocabulary L1=l2
Areas of language emphasized Vocabulary and grammar (teaching form)=form based. Reading & writing
Principles View of Culture: literary language is superior to spoken language.
Principles Goal of learner: To improve reading and writing skills. To translate each language into each other.
Principles Role of teacher: The authority in the classroom ( teacher centered)
Principles Role of students:
Principles Students-teacher interaction (mostly) Student- student interaction (little)
Principles Teacher’s response to students’ error
Techniques 1. Translation of a literary passage 2. Reading comprehension questions 3. Antonyms/ Synonyms 4. Cognates 5. Deductive application of the rule 6. Fill-in-the-blanks 7. Memorization 8. Use Words in Sentences 9. Composition
Techniques Translation of a literary passage:
A men and a woman applied for a job. They both had the same experience, so the manager gave them both a test. After the test, both of them missed only one question. The manager told the first man: “Sorry. I will hire her.” “Why?” screamed the man. “We both missed the same question!” “That’s right,” said the manger, “but she answered the question with ‘I don’t know’ and you wrote, ‘Neither do I”.
Techniques Reading comprehension questions: 1. Questions about the information contained in the passage. (What did the man answer? What did the woman answer?) 2. Questions for making inferences. (what do you infer from the answer with “neither do I “ of the man?) 3. Questions to relate the passage (Have you ever applied for a job?)
Techniques Antonyms/ Synonyms: Find antonyms and synonyms in the reading passage Define a set of words based on their understanding of them
Techniques Cognates: to recognize sound patterns between the languages. Deductive application of the rule: Ex: I wouldn’t like to go there. Neither would I Use Neither + auxiliary + I with negative sentences to say that you have something in common with somebody.
Techniques Fill- in- the- blanks: to complete sentences with words missing. Ex:…………. is a person who works all her life to become famous and then wears sunglasses so people don’t recognize her.
Memorization: words and grammatical rules. Use words in sentences: they make up sentences in which they use the new vocabulary they learn Techniques
Composition: to write about a topic in the target language based on some aspect of the reading passage. Techniques
Advantages The phrasing of the target language is quickly explained. Eg: : is a person who puts metal in your mouth and takes coins out of your pocket.
Teacher’s labor is saved: Few demands in teachers Classes are taught in the mother tongue.
Disadvantages It is an unnatural method. The Grammar Translation Method does not provide any such practice to the learner of a language
Disadvantages the wrong idea of what language is
Disadvantages Worst effect of this method is on pupil’s motivation.
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